They weren’t commenting on your capitalization. They were saying you shouldn’t compare state sponsored torture and genocide with an App Store. It dilutes how awful the nazis were.

Nah, calling you out on your shit would be like saying, “what the fuck are you doing? That was shitty!” Cursing in general.

Name calling is very easy to avoid. I get crazy mad sometimes and curse a lot, but I don’t resort to name calling.

This bothered me too, and no, it doesn’t get much better in that respect. I love parts of the show and frequently rewatch episodes out of order, because following the storyline is depressing, as you said.

One of the things they teach you in business school is that if you give anyone six months, most people can do your job. Nobody likes to hear that, but it’s true. There are some fields where that doesn’t apply, of course.

So it’s not very hard to get most licenses. Life is about just putting in some time.

I’m also not sure why you think bartenders and strippers are inherently idiots, though. Just because some of them pivot and can do it doesn’t mean that everyone can.

I think the difference is that Chef Winger was only pretending not to remember Carmy, and they both knew it.

Thanks for your perspective. I understand wanting to see a black female lead as a love interest for the main lead.

In a similar vein, the reason I can’t stand it is because I have had close working relationships with several men in my life, because of the line of work I’m in. And it has always bothered me when people insisted something that was platonic must be romantic simply because I’m a woman and they’re a man.

The same way that Ayo Edebiri is someone you infuse with meaning because she’s a black woman, I infuse her with meaning because she’s a woman.

Genuinely, I appreciate your sharing your reasoning. I understand it a bit more now, even though I still don’t want the same thing that you do.

They’re a man and a woman who have a bond. It MUST turn romantic, right??

So boring. The notion seriously irritates me. Like you can’t be close to someone of the opposite sex without it becoming a romance. People need to grow up.

It’s just so utterly boring to me. They’re both giving good performances, and they’re interesting characters, and there’s been zero romantic inclination. It really feels like some viewers just cannot see a man and woman having a close friendship or close working relationship without being like “now kiss!” It feels juvenile and dismissive to me.

It is a type of person. The type is extremely attractive.

The OP doesn’t specify whether it needs to be because of your shortcoming or theirs. Just what type would you never date again. Not why.

I felt resolution when confronting an old grade school bully as an adult in a grocery store. They shied away and had nothing to say, but saying my piece and them being too embarrassed to respond still felt good.

Why do so many want Carmy and Syd to get together? I prefer the platonic thing. Why can’t they just be partners who get each other on some levels but aren’t romantic?

Why do you ship Syd and Carmy? I can’t stand that. Why can’t two opposite sex people just connect and get along on a deep and platonic level? Why does it have to become romantic just because they get along at work? It’s such a cliche.

She was amazing in Fleabag too. Totally different, despicable, hateable character. I really despised her. It was wild for me to see her in this (I’m not too familiar with her) and see the transformation. She can turn on the charm or suppress it completely.

I have a pussy, you stupid fuck. Calling me a pussy isn’t an insult. And I have kids. Like I said, a dog comes at me or my kids, I’m taking it down.

Maybe you shouldn’t be a pussy crying over a stupid dog that’s not worth a human life.

I completely agree and have felt this way since the 90s. Sometimes I’ve been wrong and have appreciated a new feature. But a lot of times, things just get worse functionally, but they look shinier.

If I come at you waving a knife and screaming at you, do you need to wait for me to stab you before you defend yourself?

If a dog comes up and barks at me aggressively when I’ve done nothing, and is big enough to hurt me, I’m defending myself if I have pepper spray or whatever. I’m not a gun owner, but I wouldn’t blame someone for shooting a dog who did that. Keep a big dog leashed or contained, especially if they’re aggressive. Their mouths are as dangerous as a human with a knife.

Could anyone give me a cheat sheet to the screenshots? I want to go back and watch them but am sad that it’s been so long that I definitely don’t know offhand which episode each screenshot refers to.

I dislike cops too, but this is a stupid take. Cops kill people in their own home. If a dog is attacking a human, the dog needs to be taken out.

I’d buy some military grade pepper spray and carry it with me. Have it handy if the dog comes at you.

I loved my neighbors in a major city. Moved out to the burbs of that city (15 mins) to raise my kids, and god damn, bad opinions everywhere. From talking about spirits in their house (bad juju) to trying to sell me on Bitcoin, it’s a hard pass. They’re friendly and great neighbors, but we won’t be hanging out at backyard bbqs very often.

What are you expecting Joe Schmo redditor here to do, though? All us normal people are out here acknowledging reality, which is that our guy looks bad. I’m not sure what you’re looking for. I wish I ran the DNC (for this one moment) to pick someone else, but I don’t.

For real. Blush exists. He looked white as a sheet