Cats can be pretty vicious, but maybe they’re just more likely to leave you alone as long as you leave them alone.

Also it’s a size thing. No one ever puts down small dogs (I think). If cats were the size of large dogs.. all hell would break loose lol. They’re also less obedient, so, harder to train to not attack when they’re pissed

I drink pure liquor for this reason lol. But yeah, that is a problem for me too. I would just drink the same amount of calories but be drunker because the volume is so low

Did you read the post? She described their responses to her rejection. They were bitter and shitty about it

Uh I mean she was practically mentally handicapped, so yeah, would be weird

Oof. Everyone has the same idea about this 😬

No, but I’m a young adult. But I don’t think I’ll ever be okay with that. I intentionally only want to live in large cities (and have for my adult life) because I would get so bored in a small town. I think meeting new people and forming new relationships enriches my life.

Rat Whisperer

I mean poor working memory is probably out of people’s control, but you’re right, it’s not an excuse. Also a week long protocol has nothing to do with working memory lmao. Working is short-term. For this, it’s this amazing hack called writing things down lol. Seems like they want a “product” as a shortcut

Rat Whisperer

Right? Complicated protocols are just part of research lmao. There’s no “product” or shortcut

Rat Whisperer

That’s pretty convoluted but possible lol. Their question is vague and unrelated to disability, so not sure why they brought it up. Didn’t even give any details about the protocol

“Do we break up” is a relationship question. Their decision about kids and how they would have kids (IVF, adoption, etc) is a relationship. She even brought up her bf’s parent’s opinions on kids. OP already knows it’s a 25% chance. They need to visit a relationship sub

OP doesn’t want a relationship. Just friendship. Is a friend with no hidden motives too much to ask?

The men in OP’s life. Kind of the point of the post

You're The Real Heroes

You don’t think he would try to be listening around in that ep? He was suspicious when everyone disappeared. If he couldn’t leave the party, even more reason to listen

You're The Real Heroes

That’s a good explanation actually

You're The Real Heroes

Really? You’re loving Kimiko and the stupid book scene?

You're The Real Heroes

Kimiko and the books was the dumbest thing in the show arguably lmao. Can’t deny that. They went out of her way to break her phone for that

You're The Real Heroes

I mean in 06, he was suspicious when everyone disappeared. I would think even if he couldn’t leave the party, he would try to listen around

You're The Real Heroes

Sometimes the people in this sub watch the show on mute. I’m convinced. They ask the most basic questions

It happens to the best of us. In a week, they'll have all forgotten. They probably already have

Everyone has their own things in their own lives to worry about. Sorry this happened