Would love one. But my ash tray is in the front? New to e36s Can it be moved down?

To be fair it looks like a mk4 r32 anyways even the rims.

Spread it across a few months and buy XEQT on red days. But like others have said lump sum normally outperforms.

Odd was searching for these the other day... What type of material are they made of?

Why does this photo look like it was edited in MSPaint? Is this real?

What did you get? Can you list them? Love seeing others setups. Enjoy!

Where are you guys buying these for $1000? Great deal, Canada market is so different.

My kid got me on those red vs blue type arenas, headshots are like 5-8k XP, you can get easy afk snipes

More photos please! Similar situation 318ic M52 swap hellrot red.

This is the best advice, I've leased my last 5 cars. The #1 tip is to walk away. It makes the process longer but walking away has got me the best deals

I tell the bank that it took 90 days because they encourage you to work with the seller. Escalate your call and cancel your card and send email to higher ups. Has worked twice in the past for me

That's neat, do you find that it slides while driving or a nice snug fit?

What steering wheel type is that? Looks great

I helped run that site for many years. Takes me back and yes 2000 - 2006ish. Haha cs1.6 was definitely involved

Played all these with my son he loved them.

  • It takes two (Teamwork required)
  • Brothers: tale of two sons (Teamwork required)
  • Untitled goose game (I believe they announced 2 player mode awhile back)
  • Lego Series games (Marvel, Star Wars, Lego City, Lego World)
  • Fortnite Lego mode (actually very good it feels like Lego Minecraft)
  • Minecraft
  • Unravel 2
  • Overcooked 1 and 2
  • Moving Out / Moving In
  • Rush: Disney Pixar Adventure
  • Disney Dream light valley

500 Canadian doesn't even buy you a PS5 , jump on it! Can we see photos?

Can you name a few of these style of games?

Could it be - Legacy of Kain: Soul Reaver?

Description: This is a 3D action-adventure game that was released in 1999 for PlayStation and PC. You play as Raziel, a vampire who can shift between the material and spectral realms, and can possess and devour the souls of his enemies. One of the enemies you encounter are green slimes that mimic your appearance and abilities. The final boss is Kain, a powerful vampire lord who wears a cape and wields a sword. You can also unlock a mode where you can fight him in a one-on-one duel.

Haha, I think it was called the Gino/Gina MSN chat. Thanks for the trip down memory lane.

They gained popularity because they would put up clubbing photos the next day.

Success story here! Met my wife on that site around 2004. Married in 2010, and still together with kids. Thanks MMTO.

Wasn't it a chat room on MSN before a website?