No but it’s no secret that the US has a tremendous amount of sway over Israel, and it wouldn’t be a first for an Israeli prime minister to take directions from a U.S. president

Or they’re right that Biden has the power to decide when enough is enough

Lots of Reddit tough guys here seem to think that they could just kill someone who already has the drop on them with no added danger to themselves or bystanders and no repercussions on their mental health if they succeed. Give the robber your stuff, they are much less likely to hurt you that way.

I recently wrote a super similar song in the exact same genre (happy song about my body rotting). I like yours! It’s cool that this is a thing.

Oh wow I’d never heard of him but he’s great

Yeah I don’t think any anti Zionist thinks Hitler would have spared them for it

Yeah the answers that are up now are both very good. Thorough, scholarly, and well sourced.

I usually address him in the dojo as “excuse me” or “[raises hand]” because I don’t know what the protocol is lmao

You know if you don’t actually understand and accurately represent the beliefs of your interlocutors you are never going to have a productive conversation. For example, nobody here supports Hamas, few even support JVP (a very different organization from Hamas, mind you). And yet you keep talking as if we do. Do you think it makes sense for me to assume that you desire the destruction of the American trans community, or the criminalizing of abortion in any and all cases, or that you support the genocidal aspirations and actions of Recep Tayep Erdogan or the Kahanists?

This is the right answer imo, with the caveat that Jews who don’t fit right wing political purposes will (and do) face state violence, more as dissidents and radicals than as Jews, but possibly with antisemitic overtones to the whole thing (eg the Rosenbergs and the red scare)

Well feel free to send me whatever you want and if I have time I’ll take a look and give it the literal old college try

I’m still curious how we would know, where did you learn about it?

No way you could fight an anglerfish with only a knife. You’d need a submarine too.

Only if the other guy also has a knife, which this prompt doesn’t seem to indicate

If Judea was controlled by a different, equally powerful empire and somehow Christianity or something like it still comes to be (not a given), I think it’s more likely it would be much more immediately widespread in that empire and influenced by their culture than spreading quickly across the Roman world as it did

Sure, but I want to stress that I’m very much not an expert, just a nerd. If you have questions about specific real world things I highly recommend r/askhistorians. If you just want me to weigh in because I happen to like learning about this stuff, I’m down to do so

You could probably just monkey-on-a-typewriter out the whole formula provided it can fit into less than a minute of text

Just a bachelors degree, a family in which scholarship in related fields was common and prized, and good old fashioned Wikipedia and YouTube autodidacticism

I doubt they “make up” for it by conquering more elsewhere. They didn’t stop where they did in those directions because they were too busy going east, they stopped because they could not or did not want to keep going. The biggest change is that Christianity, if it exists at all, looks very different than it does today. Islam is so many layers of butterfly effect away from the point of departure that I don’t think we can say anything about it at all. My guess would be that something sort of similar to Christianity but still very different becomes popular among some groups in whatever empire is controlling the Middle East, and it may or may not become the state religion. We probably still get some kind of proselytizing universalist religion or religions as the dominant world faith/s. Maybe Zoroastrianism or Roman Paganism takes on that flavor. All in all it’s very hard to say. The fact that Islamo-Christian civilization never comes to be kind of means all bets are off.

Vantablack is a material, not a color. Everything that was formerly the deepest possible black is now emitting light. Black holes are now gray holes. The inky black vacuum of space is now the inky gray vacuum of space. What consequence the resulting rise in the average temperature of the universe will have for life on earth I do not know, but I do know that by violating the conservation of energy and creating a new source of infinitely regenerating energy, you have possibly stopped or at the very least forestalled the heat death of the universe.

Also, and perhaps more importantly, people who use this argument are dodging the actually important question of whether they hate Jews