Omg we are doing a Hillary again! Why does the DMC love to fail hard?

He has 3 children including a small baby. Tired is baseline

Legend of vox machina is awesome! It's based on Critical Role, which is a Livestream Dungeons and dragons campaign, it is really beautifully animated and full of laughs and action!

Arcane on Netflix really hits that steam punk fantasy vibe with some seriously talented animation and storytelling.

Lastly One Piece is just (imo) the best piece of fantasy television. It has endless creativity, wonderful characters and an absolutely bonkers story! It has spectacular world building and writing and over 1000 episodes so you can binge to your heart's content!

My buddy is running 6x5 melee Legionaries and 3x5 plague Marines. Cheap battleline that can hit hard for 90 points is quite tasty

Not enough pelts or fur for Snaggas (at least for me). But you could call them Blueberry Snagga Boyz and run them as Beast Snaggas!

Exactly the fact that he looks mentally worse than trump who is a bumbling angry idiot speaks volumes. Literally any other candidate that doesn't have dementia would be way better than biden

The best thing for Trump is to have biden stay in the race. Joe is declining mentally, it's a normal part of aging and the best thing he could do for the people he serves is to step down and let someone more competent do the job. I think he is well meaning but also quite selfish to not realize his own limitations. We all age, and we all will have a time to pass on our work to the next generation.

Like Trump was obviously lying the entire debate. lies that a rival who is mentally sound would use as ammo to obliterate him. Joe was literally thrown softballs like Trump talking about post birth abortions and how much crime immigrants cause.

Horizon zero dawn has some of my favorite bow combat ever!

Also the bow in roboquest is crazy fun to use

Just load up the models into Microsoft 3d builder. Slice and align them until they look right. Group them and then save as an STL.

It took a bit to learn but 3d builder is very basic and easy for little kitbashes like this.

For example the flamethrower guy is from one kit. The chaos sigil and the flaming top are from 2 other kits. I just chopped them up and arranged them to look just right. Then I put some flames on the flamethrower!

It wasn't drained properly. Holes in the hollow models allow for the extra resin to get out with washing.

This! All the models are super fun! I gave them as gifts for my play group because who doesn't need an Inquisitor!

A cursed weapon that says it's a moon blade?

An entire society wears only blue clothes so there's probably easy access Blue ink!

Replace the helm with a hood and the sword with another plasma pistol and I think he'd be a dope cypher