Most people aren’t going to take you seriously because of your age. Regardless of how good your idea is.

Instead of looking for funding; look for a professional in your industry. You can find them on social media and linked in.

Offer them to be your co founder and have them raise funds for you.

Maybe put together a video introduction of you and your product and send that video to as many people as possible. Also put together some PDFs that better explain your idea.

Find a co manufacturer that already makes a similar drink. You can pay them to modify the existing recipe to make it unique. Getting food/drink recipes prepped for mass distribution is expensive.

If you’re going to buy a house, I would buy a duplex. Live in one half, rent the other. Or multi family. Rent several units and live in one. Charge them enough in rent so that the unit you’re living in is “free”

vanguard and those things. Boring. It’s safe but unrewarding.

Start a business. Start very small. Make sure you don’t go all in too quickly. Slow and steady always wins.

If you decide to start a big company like a start up you’ll need to use some of your own money at first. Get your product ready to market or close to it. Then use other people’s money to continue growing the business and offset your personal risk.

Do NOT day trade. Only like 1 person out of 100 can consistently beat the market (according to that meme that has been floating around)

My aunt did a fence just like this. She lives in the south where it gets very hot and sunny during the summers. Looked good for about a year and then it started to look terrible. They got tired of maintaining it so they ripped out the entire thing (posts included) and started over lol.

What city? Big difference in expenses. downtown NYC for a lease versus a few grand in somewhere more suburban.

$100k equipment $20k lawyer fees and first year insurance $10-20k permits and licenses? Commercial buildout $10-100k. Depends on building $10-20k misc Then you have monthly costs like lease, insurance, cpa, staff, equipment maintenance, marketing and advertising

I have no experience with this so I’m just guessing. Had a buddy open one in South FL and he does really well with it. I think he said roughly a quarter million to open his.

Watch the trick where she hits the card between the two coke bottles. When the soda starts to drop there isn’t any bubbles. It’s most likely water with food coloring. Probably have to clean up in between take and it’s cheaper/easier to use brown water versus actual coke.

  1. Family and friends

  2. Put together a lot of research and make a solid pitch deck. Send to every VC/PE firm on the nation

  3. Spend your time only hanging out with successful/powerful people. Go to their golf clubs, tennis clubs, boat clubs, bars/restaurants, go to their gyms, etc. surround yourself with them and talk to every single person

  4. Build your product and sell your product to customers. Talk to every customer, get feedback, let them know you’re thankful for their support and let them know that you’re trying to get investors to grow your business

I personally got funding through 2, 3, and 4. None of my family or friends had extra capital to lend me.

Just don’t be flashy with your money. Drive a regular car. Live in a regular home. Avoid gaudy material possessions.

If you’re the type of flashy person who wants to flaunt your wealth then you’ll attract someone who likes that. Stay humble and someone will like you for you and not your $

But if no one places a buy/sell order for a month. What would the price do during that month? Would it stay the same for the entire month?

ELI5 : stock prices: what would happen to share price if zero activityEconomics

Let’s say a company has 1000 shares total. But let’s say only 200 shares are available to the public (I think this is called the float) (I also don’t even know if this is how it works)

What happens if 200 people buy exactly 1 share and then no one else buys or shares a single stock for a month.

What would happen to the stock price during that month? Would the price of the stock keep decreasing until there is buying pressure? Would the price stay the same? How does this work?

(I know this is not a likely scenario to ever happen but just ignore that part)

Top gear made a video too. I think mythbusters as well?

Michael Scott’s man cave

Are you being sarcastic or is this actually you?

I was mostly going after the second guy. He was being an ass to everyone and being mean

No it wasn’t. He left multiple comments and was being mean to everyone. He deleted all his comments.

There’s a subreddit about being confidently incorrect. Someone screenshot this comment and farm some free karma.

Edit. Nvm did it myself

Wrong. It has to do with water. Top Gear did an episode on this.

I think Myth Busters as well. (This one I don’t know for certain. Can’t remember).

No. You’re wrong. It’s has nothing to do with electricity. It’s because of water. Your brain is mostly water. You can literally google this. Radio waves stretch longer with water for some reason.