Quince is great and prices and return policy are reasonable. I also love Not Perfect Linen and as others have mentioned there’s a wonderful bst group on Facebook! Also check out the All Things Linen bst for other linen brands, you can find some really great deals on these groups!

I knew I loved it by the end of the first chapter 😳 but I’m usually quick to judge and dnf if the vibe isn’t right! I’d say if the tone and characterizations aren’t appealing to you then you are probably safe to dnf, but if you choose to continue on then you’ll get a lot of great backstory/context for Draco’s behavior in particular.

Also - personally I’d read it for Theo and Panville alone. It’s rare that I love supporting characters and other non-mc pairings this much but they are truly fabulous.

I found the first (honestly) 50% a little tough to get through BUT the last half totally saved it for me and I read it in record time. It was so worth it.

All of mommy’s drinks have caffeine in them - sorry, can’t share 🥲

It’s a boundary like any other. You might not personally find it to be reasonable, in which case that’s a discussion to have with your partner if necessary. But I fail to see how it is “setting someone up for lying” to set a boundary that the other person eventually stomps on. If they are just not mature enough to say “No, I can’t do that” then that is absolutely the fault of the person who is watching porn and lying about it.

I would feel totally justified in getting pissed at someone who makes a promise and breaks it.

Also you don’t need to watch porn to masturbate. lol.

I have never had my iq tested but was in gifted classes in middle/highschool (top .1% of students) - AND, unfortunately, I am no longer that person. I now have an extremely poor memory, poor concentration and heinously slow processing speed. I would expect my iq to test at around average. I wonder if this is a common experience for autists; I literally feel like a shell of my former self.

Team Don't Know!

Wow. I am so sorry that you are in this position. Personally I would find it difficult to coparent and cohabitate with my husband if he told me to abort my very wanted baby. I don’t envy the position you are in but to me this is grounds for divorce, and I don’t say that lightly. For him to say that he’ll suddenly, magically be ready to have and love his children at 30, but that he’s unable to do so at 26 is psychotic. Is he magically going to grow a heart and some paternal instinct in the next four years? It’s okay to be shocked and surprised by an unplanned pregnancy but to so quickly and flippantly demand that you abort is really concerning.

You are not selfish. I am wondering if your husband possibly doesn’t want kids and was planning to string you along until you are too old to conceive. Please keep your baby, you sound like you will be an amazing, loving mom ❤️

This one is sadly just 4.5k words but I’ve read it probably a dozen times 😅 it’s incubus!Draco and is just a super fun (and dare I say romantic?) read.

Dream a Little Dream by rockthecasbah18

I think this author also has a few other short creature fics! Highly recommend all of their work ❤️

Yeah that’s pretty much what I’m saying. Evolution isn’t real. If you accept that this is a prison/energy farm it’s easy to see the lies that we are fed, literally from birth, to keep us docile and unquestioning.

You don’t think all-powerful creator(s) can create miracles and horrors beyond our understanding? Most religions attest that humans were created by the gods from dust, clay, dirt etc. - they did it once, they can do it again. You are thinking in human-centric terms and with man-made rules of rationality. There is no easy solution, no “oh if there are no bodies to reincarnate into then the farm will shut down and we’ll all be free!” They built this farm AND every beast in it.

What makes you think the demiurge (or whoever) wouldn’t just make more humans?

Haha ok this is my answer too. Bless these patient partners lmao

He’s extremely kindhearted, funny, seriously lights up our home with laughter and fun. He is the best father to our little boys and sets such a wonderful example of nurturing strength for them. He’s my favorite person and I feel so grateful every day that we found each other.

LOL Girl I hope you find it!!!

My thoughts exactly!!! Uh oh 😰🔥

She looks utterly miserable here.

Welp I had been waiting to read BSP until it was complete but I caved and now I am very much Not Okay. I usually love a super toxic and possessive Draco but that coupled with his complete and utter lack of shame is really something else 😮‍💨

Also this line (nsfw)—

I swear my eyes rolled back into my head for a sec when I read that, wtf

Omg TRULY. I’ll probably never be the same either tbh 😮‍💨

I would not trust her to not let him cry. If she’s “all for it” you can bet she’ll leave him to scream and then tell you guys “he slept perfectly, I didn’t have to go in once!”

If it were me I’d either skip the party or hire a responsible babysitter with lots of experience with babies.

I mean no disrespect to the man but he has a kind of mousey look that doesn’t square for me

Yes pLEase! I just read my first Lumione (What’s Past is Prologue) and I definitely need more!!