It was good before, now it got converted to a game.

Also I am a little against it since they developed a lot of languages with community help and then killed community features and changed course format.

Nutrição também… ao invés de uma dieta preparada pra reabilitação, aqui ganham hambúrguer

Convex=no local optimal point (minimum or maxima)

Sounds like paradise, can you introduce us? (Seriously)

Eu aceito devolver o Edelnison e Nathan pescador se quiserem (podem levar o Rodrygo Ely de brinde)

Cumans on islands, make feudal tc on enemy island and castle drop in castle age (with all the vols created there)


No way he would refer only one. It would be Anglia Firenze Potter

And the middle age was around 1000-1200, so world lifespan should be around 2400

Não existe fábrica nacional desse tipo

It does not work 100% of times anymore. New google thinks he knows more than you and fix your search

Tem bastante espaço pra melhorar a produtividade de serviços, por exemplo tira o cobrador do ônibus. Melhora a rede de transportes (não faz o mesmo corredor com 30 linhas diferentes, mas da a opção da pessoa trocar de ônibus). Mais alunos por sala nas universidades. Etc.

You should have started to talk about it too. All the time talk about it like you had seen (jokingly). At some point she would get annoyed and cut the subject.

Que que houve? Não me dá esperanças de que seja verdade.

but the Goth player will produce 30 in the time that you produce 10