i speak yapanese

Your whole reddit account is dedicated to sharing zaikology. You must be their biggest fan lol.

Or you are actually zaikology šŸ˜­. Either way, the editing has always been classic and on-time to catch up with the latest topics.

i speak yapanese

they all want to watch yume de kiss me in real life.

i speak yapanese

Plus, we just want to save the environment and save them some printing šŸ˜­. Trust me, $25 for a digital qr code is much more profitable than $40 with printed book, photocards AND a printed qr code lol.

i speak yapanese

Tell the cameramen to stay there, sheā€™ll be back in 48hrs šŸ˜­

i speak yapanese


The word ā€œeliteā€ in Korean is ģ—˜ė¦¬ķŠø which is pronounced something like /el-lit-eu/. Of course it could only be our yap queen that heard it to a totally different meaning šŸ˜­

i speak yapanese

SouMu really needs to think about letting us purchase those behind the scenes clip (e.g., the flame rises tour) without buying the whole physical album. I know they probably think that selling it with photobook and photocards will earn them more profit, but what attracts most fans from that is the clips. $40 (plus any ridiculous delivery fee) really prevents them to reach a bigger audience.

A suggestion could be: - Selling the access link for $20-25 (expensive, yes but at least it makes the buyer rethink about sharing the clips publicly). - Add some authorization methods that only allow the purchased weverse account to access. (I think it might already exist?) - Prevent screen recording.

This way, it saves your fans some money and they can actually have a budget to spend more on music albums, which is eventually your bigger target anyway. The interaction numbers of the leaked clips could have made them tens of thousands of dollar in profit.

i speak yapanese

another opportunity for unniez to consume alcohol šŸ·

i speak yapanese

Ironically, the answer is yes. Of course, there is no denial that they have their own humor in their personality, but to express it for the mass audience, they definitely have to go through training sessions. Funny for once could be just the person, but to keep this level year after year, itā€™s hard work too.

i speak yapanese

This EP really has the vibe of the sauna episodes where fimmies got to show their true personality while doing simple tasks. Really enjoy it.

i speak yapanese

At least weā€™re still able to watch leniverse in between while waiting lol. The timing is šŸ¤Œ

i speak yapanese

Fate was released in late January and this is cumulative listeners, so itā€™s usual to rank higher imo

i speak yapanese

Donā€™t mess with armys, they will literally form an army to find out your identity.

Although, I donā€™t like some people put the image of his family to twt to spread hate; those people did nothing wrong. Thereā€™s always two sides of the coin when publicly posting images of someone you love, and Iā€™d rather keep their identity secret.

i speak yapanese

@ ghoulpinks. Bro even got his linkedin page found šŸ˜­

Canā€™t think of any on the top of my head, but interesting to see some suggestions as I always believe kpop still has some elements of sexism in it where man doing woman things are considered ā€œnot manlyā€ while vice versa, itā€™s ā€œoh she slaysā€.

Awaiting Score

But if he did everything genuinely, then next time is he supposed to slow down and finish it exactly on time? šŸ˜‚

Being a Vietnamese myself, I also finished the Math sections 5-10 minutes early when I took the test but never got into any trouble. In case he had to retake it, you can advise him to double check the answer, or triple check it, or at least pretend to do it. Try to stay humble, because some Vietnamese people tend to take those things personally, which is weird.

Good luck to both of you.

i speak yapanese

The strict EU regulation is partly a reason for kpop. I remembered buying the Unforgiven album at a local musical album store in Finland and it was ā‚¬48. And itā€™s not even that mind-blowing when the Vinyl edition of the Born Pink album next to it was ā‚¬200.

To put it in a better perspective, I bought the Easy album on Amazon and itā€™s only ā‚¬20.

i speak yapanese

With all these AI stuff getting popular recently but they havenā€™t been able to do live translation with texts on video lol.

There was this youtuber who also created shorts for LSRF but went inactive even before Coachella. The clips pulled millions of views and the editing looks impressive.

i speak yapanese

They are trying to create a fanwar with a group that includes Sakura, what IQ level do you think theyā€™re at? šŸ˜­

i speak yapanese

But sheā€™s still originally a Japanese, isnā€™t she?

Oh wait, a kpop group with a japanese member that doesnā€™t get hate. Maybe itā€™s a lsrf thing šŸ˜­

i speak yapanese

Post. Someone might take you back to the Coachella days and tell you how unfair that sub (or more specifically, the admins) was towards lsrf.

i speak yapanese

Why am I seeing that sub defending Yunjin and not get deleted? Is this real life? Ronaldo crying mid-game yesterday doesnā€™t sound real enough, wake me up šŸ˜­

i speak yapanese

Someone once said in this thread that those fans only target idols who have american/english background. Could never agree more. Many groups are doing official collaborations with brands that have similar connection with Starbucks (which is basically none tbh) and nothing is shouted.

i speak yapanese

Itā€™s quite funny that only a month ago we got hate for ā€œhaving Japanese membersā€, ā€œmaking content in Japanā€, ā€œpromoting Japanese cultā€, but when their groups start promoting there, it turns to ā€œWE OWNED JAPANā€ lol. I couldnā€™t give 2 shits about antis hating us about such things.