Part of the problem right now is that even at cost a new three bedroom house is about 450 to 500k when building matterials, labour, land, water, sewer and electrical hookups are all factored in.

I agree, misusing pronouns is so confusing is communication. If you want to be gebder neutral thats fine but tou cant cut corners and re-purpose the accepted use for pronouns.

What you do is provide ample water within wasy access to show you are concerned for their wellfare and walk away. It is then their problem if they want to suffer.

I would just wait to see how far they will actually take it. With no water it would take 4 days max.

Sounds like someone is working hard to give Boeing a win to get the shares up.

I dont think they understand the basic rule.... Dont start a war you cant finish. You cant sucker punch someone and then expect them to negotiate on your terms. People are batshit crazy if they think one side should stop so that theu other can regroup under the guise of 'negotiations'.

I believe it is to push out plugs in the bowden tube or hearbreak if they get clogged. OR use it to make sure you have power to the outlet you intend to use for your printer.

Published textbooks are easily 5year out of date at time of publishing and are such a scam. I had to retake a chem course once and i jad the textbook, was told they were using a new core edition. Sold old one for 25 and got the new at 150...turns out tje new one was the old one with chapters removed. Everything else was identical even the typos and mistakes in the questions.

I always knew we were angering our alien overlordsby climbing that rock and now i have PROOF thank you kind stranger!

ueah, i looked and couldnt find it either. I guess it will have to be sculpted. Or maybe aliexpress has the character.

Property has been going up.amd wages stagnant fpr the lest 15-20 years of ypu could het property you did cause it was the only sure bet for retirement. If you are middle class it took all your savings and you did it. Lowering property prices would definately kill off any hope of retirement for a lot of people.

If Mr T really wanted to help younger and poorer people he should be lookong at increaing buying power and stop.introducing bullshit new taxes that keep.imflation going up.

even in the extened parts library? Surprising becaise it looks to be a beard from the pirates of the caribean. Ive always been crap at resculpting in blender.

Kinect works fine considering you can get software and a kinect and adapter for anout 150 bucks. Dont exoect amazing defail though.

if it is a regular part check out leocad. It jas most of tje lego parts in library. Export fhe part in obj, impoet to slicer /i think you have to scale ghe objwct down a bit) and print.

I would think it would be like a chewier version of crispy scallops.

My problem with these studies is that they assign estimates to the impact of carbon based on guestimates and then use tbose numbers against the bad of carbon (which there is plenty of) against the pros of sloar and of course they are going to be astronomically in favour of whatever they propose. Often when they are shown to be off the mark and then a new study comes out saying the cost is even highwr thab thought and make up a new number. They never factor in the cost to manufacture and maintain this infrastructure nor the pollution that is required to do this. It is like hydrodams...yes it is green eneegy but the ecological impact of dams is huge, often unpredictable, and usually irreversable (but hey green energy!) I would love to say 'its science and its in a reputable journal and must be true' but if you were ever in a true science field you would know thats bs. It doesnt matter what journal it is in...You read the paper, look at the methods, look and the data and aee if the data supports their conclusions. Often there is good data there with decent methods (if they list them anymore and assuming they arent faked ) but the conclusion lately seems to far outreach what the data supports or suggests.

Definately in agreement with you. It is disheartening, however, to see the system cater more to corporations and the upper class, and to their own ego rather than listen to what the people are saying they need. The last couple governments seemed to be more 'you will like what we tell you to like'

Yeah, I cant see that happening. People are bitching about paying a few dollars more for waste management there isnt a chance in hell the city population would vote themselves a tax hike for better schools. Easy to blame everyone else but it seems to me the cities have been electing their share of SP clowns too.

I agree, most businesses never hire enough to create a buffer and then bitch to high heaven. In fairness it is next to impossible for a small bhsiness to have that buffer when margins and throughput are tight. Plus you end up having to compete with big box stores. I have met a few small business owners that do what they can for they employees while still atayong afloat amd I have some real assholes whose only dssire os to milk everything they can from anyone they can. Unfortunately the 'good' owners end up gettig taken advantage of by shitty employees who milk the system and ruin it for everyone which makes it really hard to still be a caring and reasonable owner and kwep the businesa afloat.

i would rather a missile go of so close it rams the top 10 advisors under him up his ass.

Thats two. Odds atill arent good though, its still only at 20% not asahat. I never assume they are turds, i always give them a fair shake before drawing a conclusion. Interestingly of the 4 Karens I know 3 of which are very lovely.