Just let them 99 heal you then press shift and get yourself up. Also at least your teammates give a f enough to try

As someone who lives in Hawaii, I hope she does elope… elsewhere. We don’t want entitled twats here.

More information https://www.kqed.org/news/11785824/bart-officers-detain-handcuff-and-cite-man-for-eating-sandwich-on-platform

“The longer version of the footage, on Facebook, shows the dispute continuing for more than seven minutes before other officers arrive. At one point, after McCormick had asked for the man's name, the man bursts out with a series of homophobic slurs.

"I've missed two trains because of your old faggot ass," he says. "You f___in' fag. Ask your mama what my name is, that's what you can do."

Eventually, three more officers arrive on the scene. One handcuffs the man and leads him from the platform.

In a second video, McCormick explains to a woman who was apparently accompanying the man that he had gone to the platform because of a report of a possibly intoxicated woman. While walking down the platform, he said, he encountered the man eating the sandwich.

"So you decided to forget about the bitch that's drunk and wanted to f__k with him for eating a sandwich?" the woman asks. "... So you decided to turn and focus on the black guy eating a sandwich?"

"He was directly in front of me, and I simply asked him, 'Hey, there's no eating on BART,' " McCormick says.

BART said in a tweet that "no matter how you feel about eating on BART, the officer saw someone eating and asked him to stop, when he didn't he was given a citation." The agency said the man was handcuffed after he initially refused to provide his name.”

How about this then. In the interest of being civil and kind, you link me when you have some time after you have gotten some rest?

Thanks, I just like to know the truth of things that’s all. I like to know how things work and have a very analytical side. Hence my continual ask for proof, which by the way I have tried to search for in-between replies and I cannot find it.

I also share the frustration of the community in how bhvr can be vague and not very forthcoming in their statements. But until I have something else to go on, I’m going to stick with the proof I have.

The thing is their statements are easily misinterpreted. Another reason why I want to see for myself. Take for instance that tweet I posted, people were using that exact tweet as their source to say exactly what you are saying because they misinterpreted it.

If you are trying to occupy yourself in conversation (understandable I work nights, I get bored too) what’s preventing you from occupying yourself with bringing the evidence I ask for?

Bans range in time, it’s fully possible they got only a 24 hour ban and said nothing. You could absolutely also be right and it was a system hiccup during early deployment.

No such thing has happened to me though. Anecdotal as it may I have tested the system recently and submitted a couple bogus reports against players thru bhvrs website and in game no less. I received no popup for them despite knowing my ticket was looked at and closed.

Again with the spreading of misinformation. This works both ways you know. If I’m spreading misinformation I’d like to know and see evidence of that. But all the evidence I have aside from word of mouth which should never be trusted backs what I say.

It’s boggling to me why you wouldn’t just provide proof when asked and the more you fight it the more I think you are just lying to be right as do many Redditors do. I don’t know you and I don’t want to call you a liar. So once again I ask for proof, or please don’t engage.

Your “15 popups” can easily be attributed to exactly what I said happens. Someone else’s report against a player you both reported was successful.

It’s easy to see how that would happen if when the system went live there was a mass closure of reports in that way.

No I’m chastising you for telling someone else to prove your point for you by doing research. When if you would like to prove a point you do it yourself. It’s how blatant misinformation gets spread and it’s gross. Backup your words.

That’s about as clear evidence as it gets. Multiple official statements from the developer. You brought… absolutely nothing.

So again, don’t be dishonest and don’t speak on something unless you can backup your claims. It’s not a hard request. Don’t make someone else search to prove your own point. Given how often people misremember things or misinterpret things it’s highly possible I could spend a significant amount of time searching for something that simply doesn’t exist.

It’s incredibly dishonest and disrespectful on your part.

Edit: Beyond that, proof is in reporting. Try submitting a random bs report on a completely clean player. See if you get feedback. I’ve tested it myself, submitted a few bs reports. Never got a single popup for them.

So you don’t have a source? You are just saying something based off what you have heard somewhere.

It’s honestly really dishonest to contradict someone like that who brings evidence and then say “well they said” and tell them find it yourself.

If you want to engage and naysay someone who brought clear evidence. Do the same or say nothing.

Screenshot? Link? Because my screenshot came directly from bhvrs official announcement and they clearly said “you’ll notice a window appear if one or more of your reports has lead to a ban” not “you’ll notice a window once we close your ticket”.

Don’t just go blindly telling people “go check” so I have to go searching for hours for something that may not exist. I brought evidence if you want to contradict that, do the same.

So in the post I linked at end it explains that, with screen shots from bhvr. Action taken means a ban of some sort happened.

Read the whole post and it will explain why that happened. Not just the first sentence.

That wasn’t for your report then.

So the only way to get action on a player you report is to report both in game AND to bhvrs site with proof submitted there.

The way the system works is weird. But what happens is when you file a report against a player it just hangs out in the ether until bhvr takes action against that player (if they ever do). It goes the same for every other person that files a report against that player. But when one of those reports results in a ban the system closes out ALL the reports against that player and everyone who reported gets a popup.

So let’s say 50 people submitted a report against a player for something like tunneling (non bannable). But then the 51st player reports for being body blocked in a corner all match and submits proof. That report is bannable and will result in a ban. But everyone who has an open report against that player will get the popup even though it wasn’t YOUR report that got them banned.

I made a whole post about it in main a while back trying to explain it because it’s a pretty confusing system honestly. https://www.reddit.com/r/deadbydaylight/s/9sV5fFF8RC

There’s no way. You submitted a report to bhvrs site over someone saying womp womp?

Give it two - three days.

That’s how long it took for the person that called me “blue hair pronouns” as an insult to get banned.

They say my profile picture (I have blue hair irl) assumed I was nonbinary because of it and tried to use it as an insult.

I’m not nonbinary, I’m actually very feminine. So it didn’t hurt my feelings personally. But fuck you of you are going to use someone’s gender identity as an insult like that. Got the ban message 2 days after I submitted the report. I hope they learned their lesson.

Nea, with the hair

Because blendettes ruined it for everyone.

Do you think this about killers who bm as well?

I will say at least as killer you can walk away. As a slugged survivor you are just a captive for 4 minutes.

First time I thought it was a typo… but now twice I have to tell you.

It’s bag not beg.

That’s all, Carry on.

I 100% agree. There are over worked, under paid and under appreciated. I’ve watched a lot of them just be completely decimated by the job. It’s emotionally, physically and psychologically exhausting.

Honestly from what I’ve seen and heard from them, they really stop seeing people as people after a while on the job. Not like they aren’t human but it’s just an ok next kind of thing.

It all adds up and then you end up with situations like these where they really start to not care and become particularly jaded after a while. We need to do better by them in order to stop this kind of stuff from happening.