While I agree, the CEO is also saying Americans need to go back to smaller vehicles... But Ford is not making a small EV truck.

Civics and Corollas seem to be selling just fine.

I agree the US automakers pushed consumers to these small foreign cars by discounting their own lines.

You are getting lots of good advice here but I'd look at it this way... If you had 680k (estimating the vale of the O holding) what would you do with it?

I wouldn't sell but I would definitely reinvest the dividends into an index fund to slowly diversify the portfolio.

Also, if you are not maxing all your retirement accounts, I'd find ways to do that too. What type of account are the O shares in?

You're doing all that on one income... You're doing great.

Once you have two streams of income it will relieve some of the pressure but be careful of lifestyle creep too.

Another thing that will help... Don't look at your accounts/stock market.

How do you guys deal with the stress of planning and not get overwhelmed by looking at the big picture?

Take a step back and breathe. Look at the bigger picture, you're doing great.

We didn't get any numbers on the mortgage... Amounts and rate?

Work on getting the EF to where you can want it and once the wife gets to where she's bringing in money use some of that to start the IRAs.

401k+HSA - 100k (currently maxing

Maxing total or maxing up to the employer match?

Again, you're doing great... You are just to the point where compounding starts to pick up.

Seems like a good compromise would be idle fees between 6am and midnight.

but I was kind of upset that both vehicles were already at 100% charge when we arrived. And both vehicle owners just left their cars plugged in all night. Sigh.

Sorry, I don't have an EV so I don't know the details about this but do you not get charged for "idle" time?

Do we know the length of the vehicle?

Nice. Hybrid or no?

Also, update the flair!

Oh, I didn't mean that sarcastically. Just good to know they are no longer going over MSRP... I've been eyeing them so just watching for trends.

I'd agree with the other reply the loans are still accruing interest.

How much are you putting into the 401k and how old are you?

Then use that pay when interviewing for fully remote jobs

I'd say you're way behind but we need more info.

Just for a ballpark a general rule is you want 25 times your annual expenses.

You have 300k in debt and 110k sitting idle. Yes it's good to have an emergency fund but you don't need 110k.

You have 20k in retirement accounts and we can't really tell exactly how much is getting contributed into them... And you want to retire in 10 years. I'd say yes, you are behind.

Find out how much you spend per year and try to contribute much more into every retirement account you can (401k, IRA, HSA)

Comparison is the thief of joy.

My life consists of me working, reading, watching tv, cooking, and other mundane activities.

As long as you enjoy these things there is nothing wrong with it. Also, don't compare yourself to other people's highlight reels... Most of them can't really afford it anyways.

There is nothing lame about someone that is enjoying their life... Keep doing your thing.

Stick to index funds.

If you really want to try picking individual sticks do it with a very small portion (no more than 10%). In the end you will probably wish you had stuck with index funds.

IIRC, Warren Buffett had a 10 year bet with any portfolio manager that they cannot beat the S&P 500 and he won. These people are paid to pick stocks and still lost.

I know you are probably joking but do log in once a year.

look up escheatment. Essentially funds that are not checked on end up going to the state like unclaimed property.

NPR did a story about a guy who had a huge investment in Apple very early in their history and didn't look at it for 30 years... The investment company ended up cashing it out and turned the money over to the state because the account was inactive.