US Federal Reserve Notes (banknotes) are legal tender for debts. Purchasing something, where you have to pay first before being allowed to take your purchase, is not a debt.


The designated bike trails are the bike trails plus all roads that don’t have a “motor vehicles only” sign or otherwise a law prohibiting bikes.

Help, I’m 5’2 and my wife is 4’6. Are we both pedophiles?

Granted. I assume you mean $3.50 in US currency. You get $3.50 in severely damaged half cents, weighing in at 10.78 pounds. The coin dealers won’t buy them even for face value. They don’t make wrappers for them, and banks won’t know what to do with them. The scrap yard will pay you $213 / week, assuming you leave your house 5 days/week for work and 1 day / week for the scrap yard. The weekly 64.68 pound load will put a huge strain on your back, and the operation, physical therapy, mobility aids, wages lost, etc, will far outweigh any money you make. Also, your new nickname will be Ea Nasir, and everyone will forget your real name.

Pirates! Gold on Sega Genesis (or the various emulators). I don’t know why, I just love the game. The sword fights, the cannon battles, the sailing around the Caribbean aimlessly.

Is it the 4 string or the 5 string? I rocked the 5-string Piece of Shit Samick Bass for a few years, but then I sold it for $60. The guy talked me down from $75, but I feel like I still overcharged him by $60.

I call my SG “The SG” and my Gretsch Electromatic Pristine “The blue Gretsch with the P90’s” I call my acoustics “The 6-string,” “The 12-String,” and “The Nashville.” My bass is just “Bass,” I don’t even prefix it with “the.”

If I ever get to making my own guitars (which I actually plan to do, in order to combine both of my midlife crisis hobbies), I’ll probably name them something stupid like “Piece of Reprocessed Shit” or “Extra Shitty Player” or “I can’t believe it’s not Fender”


I ended up getting a mobility scooter. The reason I wanted a power standing scooter was to try to avoid the mobility scooter, but I sucked it up and now I barrel down the sidewalk at a blazing 3.75 Mph.


Short Circuit when Newton Crosby asks Ben where his ancestors are from.

Newton Crosby : Where are you from, anyway? Ben Jabituya : Bakersfield, originally. Newton Crosby : No, I mean your ancestors. Ben Jabituya : Oh, them. Pittsburgh.

Weird, prices have gone up since 2009, even though minimum wage hasn’t.

This isn’t evidence for your claim. However, I have evidence for mine.

Opposing the policies of the Israeli government or advocating for the rights of Palestinians is not inherently antisemitic. - Anne Frank House

I see you forget the Trump Recession, the Trump Inflation Crisis, the mishandling of the pandemic, surrendering to the Taliban, the terrorist attack that Proven Rapist Donald Trump launched using white supremacist paramilitary groups, the election fraud where Donald Trump or his associates committed over 99% of the election fraud in 2020 (and STILL lost), or the trade war with China that only managed to raise prices for consumers.

There was enough probable cause for 16-23 people to indict Former President and Proven Rapist Donald Trump in NY through a process where Joe Biden had nothing to do with.

Meanwhile, Trump argued, through his lawyer, in the Supreme Court of the United States that the sitting president has a right to assassinate their political opponents.

Tell me which one sounds like a Banana Republic.

As an election official, I suggest reporting the voter registration fraud PA AG link on how to do this.

As for party affiliation, this only applies to the primary election. Basically, if you are NA, then you can’t vote I. The primary unless there are ballot questions. You can always go to your county’s election office website and update your registration there. (Although I know this doesn’t speak to the problem of your mom looking through your mail.)

Menus that are on the program window. The global menu trips me up sometimes, and it’s annoying if the window is small and away from the global menu bar.

I originally took a DNA test to confirm relationships to historical figures I was told I was related to, as well as confirmation of the “part Native American” myth that was passed down in my family. I just wanted to know the truth, and I had realized I come from a family of bullshitters. The psychological reason I got a DNA test for my wife is because I have to get her something nice if I get myself something nice, and I’m kinda afraid of her when she gets mad 😅

Then we found out that my wife’s biological grandfather was not only an NPE, but a different race (considering white on the Census until this year, but societally, considering a different race). This also complicates things because her parents, especially her dad, are pretty damn racist, and her dad refuses to believe he’s half Middle Eastern. I’ve spent the last 3 years mapping out her ancestry, down to her ancestors’ original villages and surnames. It’s like a murder mystery, except instead of finding out who took a life, I get to find out who brought life into this world. The “learning about another culture that just happens to make great food” part is also great!

My French Canadian side was also a mystery to me. No DNA company gets the percentage right, so I had to verify on paper via matches. I also wanted to see where in France it originates from. Turns out it comes from all over France (and Spain, Basque Country, a freed slave in Haiti and a really distant ancestor from Hungary who married a French man).

Conversely, my Italian side stayed in the same village for generations, and the records are sparse. I needed help getting info past my grandfather.

34 when I self-diagnosed. 39 now, still seeking an official diagnosis, but it’s been tabled while I work on my physical disabilities (sciatica and psoriatic arthritis have basically left me unable to walk for more than about 2 blocks).

My wife’s & father-in-law’s, although I feel like that might not count. However, I’ve been trying to piece together many of her DNA matches’ trees in order to find common ancestors, after finding out her paternal grandfather was Lebanese.

I used to contact people and tell them “Hey, I was working on my wife’s ancestry and I stumbled on some info that’s not in your public tree,” but I hesitate to contact people anymore about it because they get creeped out, and I don’t want to lie and say I’m some sort of expert whose job this is.