This is awesome. It's like that joke about all the white guys with the records from the 20's not having to play black or Latin players, which is actually a great point when discussing records in baseball. If those records count, then the negro leagues records should absolutely count.

Yeah the teams you see winning in Europe have at least one of these kinds of players. They set the standard for everything, and considering he has one of the most legendary goals in club history, he has the credibility to immediately earn the respect of the younger guys. The locker room needs these kinds of players especially if you're relying on so many inexperienced players like we are.

I agree with this sentiment mostly. I don't think we should pretend that there isn't a performance difference. Like most things though, instead of finding a solution people are more interested in imposing their beliefs on others. I like the idea of the mixed gender heats if they eventually have enough athletes to do so, but this is still such a unique scenario for any school.

Very business like approach to his sploot. Very serious about his duties 🫡

Thank you for your service, linemen 🙏

We play one of the highest lines in Europe already. We also appear in the top of lists of chances created. I think the challenge Flick faces getting the squad to increase goal output, perhaps increasing the quality of chance we create. Like you said we have a lot of quality already and Xavi got the most he could out of them, I'm hopeful Hansi can take them to an even higher level.

Gotta give it to ramos, consistently a cunt for almost 20 years. Impressive commitment from the guy.

He's been better than Christensen was today so far. Christensen was not looking like he wanted the ball at all today.

Yeah we see our own academy products acclimate quickly then expect every U20 kid to excel immediately, it's just not realistic

All three defenders in the wrong spot inexplicably

Mainstream is far and away the most expensive option. I’m a contractor and we’ve used them maybe once and the work wasn’t great and it was super expensive. Borderline crooks in my opinion. Bills is not only a better price for most things, they’re the most honest and transparent company we’ve worked with. Another company we love to use is Wheatland Electric, they’re a smaller family run company and just good people.

I was also a history major, not specializing in that period or region but generally in the wake of an Authoritarian government, there will always be revisionists trying to garner sympathy. Here in the US there’s a group called the “Daughters of the confederacy” or something and they literally change the curriculum in school textbooks to make the traitors look like freedom fighters. That’s just a random example, but I’m sure there’s plenty of anecdotes that are similar.

He literally captured the city by force I have no clue how you could possibly say that benefited club in any way. Why were Barcelona bankrupt? Perhaps something to do with their fight for independence against an oppressive regime?

Do you realize thousands of citizens of Catalonia were placed in internment camps? Also that the president was forced to flee to France? You’ve been fed loyalist propaganda man

Republican voters don’t even need campaign ads, they don’t care about policy. It’s insane republican candidates haven’t discovered they don’t have to spend any money on advertising to get votes.

Potentially, it was an article either in the inlander or spokesman from a few months ago, I’ll try to track it down.

This is apparently not Guehi replacement. This is for cover at CB, with Richards, Anderson, (Guehi/Replacement) and now Riad. Essentially we upgraded Tomkins. If we are going to play 5 at the back it just makes sense.

Watching Brysons YouTube channel definitely changed my mind on the guy. He’s a pretty positive guy and the way he tries to give you a look into the life of a pro golfer is pretty damn cool. That’s the type of content that will help grow the game, in my opinion.