Mostly an MMORPG gamer, specialized in World of Warcraft as far as I know! Him living among roaches wouldn't be surprising.

Have you been even remotely close to any social and political discourse at all, ever, like... in your life? Bigots do this shit constantly, it's such a coincidence they tend to always poray POC. It's not just any random ugly person, it's an intentionally picked ethnicity. Actually attempt some media literacy.

Hopefully apologizing for this malpractice!

You are absolutely tech illiterate if you actually think that reflects in a screenshot. Why on earth do you have "know a lot about hardware" in your bio?

Oh my God, how did I not notice Konochiwa


This rip-off is clearly a game made to push an agenda.

Cards against humanity pull no punches and very clearly satirizes everything. Can assholes enjoy it? Yes. You can also enjoy it by taking in the satire responsibly.

The real horror here is that you're naming elements things that twelve year old weeb me was quoting... "yamete.kudasaii"? Really?

Young Mussolini looks exactly like old Mussolini...

Not to mention, a black samurai isn't even a reach.

Oh this is actually a really cool coincidence! Would love to see some actual crossover fan content.

Peter's hacker cousin here!

A brute-force attack in the context of trying to access somebody else's account means that an algorithm will keep trying password combinations (usually with some logic) until it accesses the account. This is why there's more security bound to logging in, such as multi-factor authentication, or being locked out after several attempts!

A brute-force attack will notice that a password didn't work and try another. This meme shows an algorithm that would prompt a login failure if it is your first attempt to login with the correct password, thus the attack will inout the correct password and think it was wrong, moving on. A regular used could just input the password a second time, knowing it's right!

Of course, in real life, malicious people could simply adapt to this by making the attack try each password twice, so it's a complete joke.

Oh-- I got past Nasa's multiple authentication measure! I tried "1234" twice, Peter's hacker cousin out!

DankMemes is kind of a conservative cesspool, not surprising.

"The woke mob thinks they know it all. What they don't know is [BLANK]!"

"Basic biology!" <Cue a room of laughing conservatives>

Also my bad, sent it twice because the first time around, Reddit threw an error and I thought it didn't send :)

Bet it's watered down Cards Against Humanity, except it all epicly owns the libs, because that's the only "humour" people like this are capable of

Because some specialists are fucking stupid. There's a difference between analytical study of whether or not someone has autism, and what is portrayed in this comic: ranting about nonsense.

We're leveling cooking with this one!

I find it hard to find sense in this article.

On one end, the article you linked states there were nine teenagers. Clicking the hyperlink talks about a 30 year old man. Other sources suggest all of the rapists were 16-20, with the convicted one being 19, not 30. As a result of this, I have zero credibility for the NYPost, along with the senzational headlines and flashy insults. He's a disgusting rapist, you don't need to remind me he's a pervert and nasty in every paragraph.

Calling it a "graver sentence" is also a technicality, ignoring the sentences of the half of the group who got awfully minor punishment. I cannot find the age of this specific rapist, but chances are she basically sent veiled threats to a sixteen-seventeen year old ("you cannot go anywhere without being punched"). She was sentrnced to a weekend of detention. It's also good to note there was a wider, racially charged and threatening campaign against this man who's number was leaked. Obviously you're going to put yourself in hot water if you threaten someone in this scenario.

What I can agree on is that, juvenile or not, the rapists got off way too easy. All people of age should've gotten grave sentences for gang rape, all minors should've also received at least serious correctional measures.

But no, this is not oppressing free speech. This is not lowering yourself to madness. The woman literally threatened the guy and it's nobody's business to join a hate mob in the first place. You're not making anything better. You're exacerbating violence.

I'd like more argumentation on that. Nobody is getting convicted for discriminatory speech and putting "hate" speech in quotations gives me some bad vibes. Are you one of those people who think that bigotry being frowned upon is "censorship"? At most, corporations are forced into this (though they easily get around it anyway) under anti-discrimination laws.

"Banned from criticizing the government" is absolute fearmongering gobsmack. I can talk all the crap I want about my government without being at any risk. I'm doing it right now, at work.

Is the world in a scary authoritan area right now? Yes. Does it have anything to do with "oh no I'm so being prosecuted for hate speech"? No. You're either completely oblivious to reality, or shaping these arguments to establish some weird fearmongering rhetoric to justify hate speech.

Research before posting would be nice. USA is on track to similar laws.

This means we must take down the internet!

You don't know the age of that mantis, might be a teen!

What if the funny memes were the incels we found along the way?

Not in Romania, here we don't really do frowns because we're sad enough IRL, so instead we smile a lot :))))))))))

A sample size of one irks me. I'd be honestly curious to see multiple tests run through it with both "illiterate" and otherwise and comparing the distributions for each case based on ethnicity