I dropped mine from a window in an apartment in the 5th floor. It flew apart in the parking lot. Went to get it, thinking 'yeah no way it works". Took all the pieces and put them together. Noticed it had a small dent in a corner (probably the place of impact before all the pieces detached). Powered it on. Still working just fine πŸ˜….

The sa scenes were one of the things that the showrunners listened the fans on. Going forward, there's no such thing. Sex scenes? Yes (like the brothel is one of the primary places in the show like someone said in the comments) SA scenes? No. Only s1. And about the warnings, well black sails is a Starz's show. Starz is notorious for violent plots (be murderous or sexual. See spartacus por example) if the streaming service put warnings, they would be putting warnings at the beggining of almost every episode. I dont know how it is now that is streaming in netflix tho'.

"Breezed past it repercussionsm" I can tell you didn't keep watching because of this part of the comment. Believe it, it doesn't breeze over it at all. The repercussions keep going in s2. "In s1 made me realize it wasn't going to get better." Actually, it gets better. It gets SO MUCH BETTER. s1 is the weakest of the whole show. S2, s3, and s4 are masterpieces. You are missing on one of the best shows of all time, literally poetry on your screen.

But that is exactly the idea and what he movie is looking for as a reaction. It is meant to be silly and bizarre (and less not forget is a multiverse movie where every imposible thing is posible in some universe) so it contrasts with the heaviness of the topics within the movie or you would be crying during the whole thing instead of crying AND laughing AND sometimes even feeling awkward with secondhand embarrasment. It is the purpose of the movie to give you whiplash and leave you with a heaviness but also lighteness, which is basically the plot of the movie.

Correction: excluding "the winter soldier".

Ok but that scene with the "thing" over the house, pissing/trowing up blood with the screams of it victims being digested alive in the background was disturbing af.

Awful. The suicide squad on the other hand is imo very good. Just fun all around.

For me is the fact that they used a simpathetic light on the protagonist, when the irl guy was a disgusting piece of human being, who took advantage of others less fortunate than him, all for money and fame. Also less not forget that he experimented in human beings (black people. Especially girls) because he viewed them as less than human.

And last, the fact that the only character based in a irl person in that movie was a extraordinary woman who was reduced to a homewrecker pick me woman.

But yeah the songs are catchy. Honestly the only thing worth the time expent watching the movie.

I tried to watch it. Lasted 30 min (of which I dont remember much) and fell sleep πŸ˜¬πŸ˜…

For the life of me but i couldn't understand midsommar. I may need to watch one of those explanatory yt videos someday. Because months later after watching it I still cant understand WTH happened in that movie. Like why the protagonist didn't leave the moment she felt the weird vibes. Which you can tell she feels basically from the beginning. I would have nopped so fucking fast the first night in her place. Hereditary was meh imo. I love horror but I also get jumpscared easily. Didnt happen with hereditary so πŸ€·πŸ½β€β™€οΈ

Only movie that has me crying of sadness and laughing my ass off at the same time. Multiple times during the movie (talk about whiplash and not knowing what you are feeling), especially during the last hour. And not only the first time i saw it, but every time I watched it. Like I cried over some stupid rocks having an existencial crisis. But maybe it is also because I can relate to the trauma of being the daughter (and dissappoinment) of a traumatized woman who traumatized me because she didn't know how not to. It is a beautiful movie about generational trauma, wanting to stop existing (self delete in every universe) but founding meaning in the little moments so you learn to appreciate life at the end. Also it becomes more impressive when you know the movie was shoot in 38 days and all especial effects (which are gorgeous and flawless) were done by a team of 8 people who thought themselves via YouTube videos to learn how to do the editing and especial effects of the movie. Anyway. It made it to my top 5 immediately after I saw it. It's one of the best movies in recent years imo.

Ah, I was waiting for someone to say "barbie". I wanted to love the movie, and to some extent, I did (like the whole ken plot, for example or the what is to be a woman speech by Ferrera), but I also hated it, and don't plan on rewatching ever because the things i hated win over the things i loved sadly. I lost count after 17 of how many times the word "patriarchy" was said in the movie, and it drove me up the wall the way it was shoehorned almost every time. I'm a feminist but it was too much for me. Like I got the messages of the movie, I really did. I just found it to in the face to my taste, and on some moments, I just wanted to leave the theater because of it.

I love it when people name "evil." Such a good show. I'm waiting impatiently for the next season.

Oh yeah. I forgot about Amityville. He is scary in that movie once he loses it. Good performance there. So maybe if he did more movies away from comedy, he could step out of being typecasted as a one-note actor. Have not seen buried, so I can't comment there.

Welp, you probably only have one son now. Your favorite, so congrats. /s

Yeah you are right. I confused them. Going to fix it now.


I gonna get downvoted but I dont care. Jonnhy deep. Fuck him.

He fucking bragged about paying to have bots changing the public opinion so he would be seeing as a victim during the us court case, when he was the same pos (and worse) that his ex wife. There's records of him admiting (in the uk trial) to telling a friend to shit on his bed and that they would put the blame on Amber. The same with the cut on his finger. He got cut weeks before during filming and when it was convinient he blamed it on her. But of course everyone brought the act because he is more famous than her, and everyone wants more movies of the silly pirate. I cant wait when in a few years he would do the same to some else and everyone would be crying writing apoligies in social media because they were decieved by the violent drunk.

I like him ut he plays the aame character in every movie. Himself.


Lets add to the list all the people who have worked with Woody Allen (after he married his adopted daugher who he was fucking since she was 14yo) and have praised him: Scarlet Johanson, Hugh Jackman, Owen Wilson, Tom Hiddleston, Rachel Addams, etc

Also to the list all the disgusting mf who were part of the standing ovation for Roman Polanski at the oscars: Scorsese, Meryl Streep, Adrian Brody (he worked for Polanski and ALSO Woody Allen so no surprise there), Al Pacino and more.

Edit: fixed a confusion between Adam and Adrian Brody. Tbf the names are very similar and im dislexic lmao.


Im gonna go against the grain of everyone telling you you are a good mother. Because no, you are not. And you are not a good person either. I read all your responses and the fact that you have not kicked him out of the house and don't plan on going to the cops to tell them he confessed to you, but wait for them to come to you is all I need to know, to know that you are a disgusting human being. It has being months since sarah reported and the cops have done nothing about it even with the evidence she has. Most likely they didn't listen to her and don't plan of prosecuting your son, so the crime would go unpunished. Yet you know he did it and plan on not doing anything about it if you are not questioned by police. You are enabling his behaviour, that makes you as bad and despicable as him.

Question: if it was your daughter the one who got raped and you knew the family of the rapist knew the true (he confessed to them like your son confessed to you) but they did nothing to get him punished will you believe they are good people? Or would you believe they are as bad as the rapist?

I hope you know that if he goes unpunished he will do it again ( this time he will learn from his mistake and leave no evidence), and it is gonna be your fault for enabling him and not speaking up when you had the chance.

P.s: you dont love sara nor see her as a daughter as you claim either. If you did you would have called the cops the moment he confessed. But you didnt. If your real daughter would have being the one raped by your son you would have called the cops on the spot. So stop lying. You don't really care about this girl. You really only care about your rapist son and what she could provide for him while they were together.

P.s.2: "suggesting" he turns himself to the cops is not enough. You say you cant make him. Maybe not tho' I disagree. You know what you could do tho'? Go to the cops yourself and turn him in. But we already know you are not gonna do that because you are as bad as he is. Not a decent person at all.