Same here. I honestly never thought I would give up being a Hawks fan before giving up being a Falcons fan.

Never thought I would see the day Texas would finally turn blue!

Now we’re talking!!

Now we need one with Scheffler

It’s crazy to me that there are some people who will reject this idea, but will be the first to complain about sharing the lanes with bikes.

Yeah I would at least like to see this team get to the WS one more time with this core

They should have made “Debt free” bibles to compete against Trump’s “God Bless America” bibles

Only when they stand against them…like the January 6th riot

Please don’t fuck this up 🙏

Please don’t fuck this up 🙏

Please don’t fuck this up 🙏

Also them:

“Why do you keep giving away our money to these foreign governments?? Focus on fixing our own problems first!” #LetsGoBrandon

Falcons 🤝 Hawks

Competing to be the worst ran franchise in Atlanta

Should be subreddit’s new photo