Hello! I’m planning on potentially hiking the LT in July. In my beginning planning stages i’m trying to figure out where to have my first resupply. I have no clue what my pacing would be and wanted to ask what sort of mileage I could expect to go. I’m a college aged woman who’s in good shape, but I know the terrain is rugged and I have 0 backpacking experience. I was thinking starting off with expecting 8-10mi/day and then titrating up gradually as I gain my legs and more confidence. Is that a crazy low or high amount to expect? I figured after Manchester I could determine my next resupplies based on my true mileage instead of planning every resupply now.

I know this is a tough question since none of you know me or my athletic skill, but I’d appreciate any insight on planning mileage and resupplies. That is my most confusing part for me as a newborn backpacker! Thank you and happy eclipse day! 😁