Every video I've ever seen of Bella makes me want to cry. She always looks so sad and my heart breaks for what both kids, but her especially, had to go through leading up to their deaths.

Don't forget denying them food and making fun of how "hangry" they were on multiple videos where she made them dance like monkeys for that stupid MLM she was in.

I watched an interview with other health workers in the area and they said that very few are taught about the safe havens. This is a state that is antiabortion, antisex education, anti reproductive rights and this is the result of that:two teenagers killing their newborns (or trying to in one case) in just a year period. FAAFO or give these young women options and access to birth control.

Never smelled Tom Ford fragrance, eh?

The small bottle (that is something like ($175) has lasted me years. I think you’d have to bathe in it to daily use all this size bottle up in a decade. Shit is strong. You don’t need a giant bottle.

Because her smile and posture and everything about it is fake. The eyes don’t match the mouth. Like a serial killer. 😂

Get off your high horse and mind your own queue. Some items aren’t items you can fully review in 24 hours. I don’t know why some of you think that badge is a license to “school” everyone on how they should and shouldn’t act with their own account and most of you act like middle school hallway safety monitors making mountains out of molehills. Get a hobby…that’s not Vine.

Who cares where the name comes from? They want to name their kid after you and this is the name you go by. You're overthinking this, OP. Your friends obviously think very highly of you. Accept it!

I slapped a patch on and powered through. It sucked, but the patch made it considerable less sucky. I didn’t find any benefit to the gum.

The reason why she's having trouble getting hired has nothing to do with her past employment and everything to do with her choosing a field that has been oversaturated for a few years and in which there are thousands upon thousands of mega-talented, EXPERIENCED candidates also looking for a position. Her issue is that she's a noob with no proven experience. No one cares that she was a stripper. How would they even know other than her waving a fucking banner about it?

I agree with the underlying message, but it's disingenuous to suggest that she's not getting hired because she's being discriminated against. Time to sharpen up that portfolio.

Oh no. She was such a sweet girl with fun, lighthearted content. RIP Alex.

Just like the other 568,543 specialties in this industry: Evolve or die.

Weird that you could still get “high” after all that pot smokin’ and never build a tolerance. You must be a human anomaly.

Those who skip over the core of marketing (the actual strategy: vision, mission, positioning, value props, buyer personas, ICPs, customer journeys, brand story, etc.) are the ones who will be replaced by technology. Everything else is just tactical and can be automated.

They should have done all this before designing a product. Once again I'm asking, "How TF did you create a whole ass product without knowing the ins and out of the market, the audience, and their needs?"

That shirt reads more "Male stripper cosplaying as a business man" than professional.

They've been doing this for years in bigger markets.

If my company had "10s of customers" each week, that would be $10MM+ in new revenue per month. In B2B software, particularly enterprise, that's massive.

Congrats! I wish your child happiness and all the functional brain cells their mother never had. 🖤

Same. I also got really comfortable with how my face looks all by itself. But the biggest benefit is how much time I’m saving.

Both of them look far better in the real picture. This shit is a disease.

He was in an out in less than an hour. He hired her to kill her. Get real. He’s a POS murderer. I wish him the worst.

You're not doing manager work. It sounds like the CEO is managing marketing and you're the production guy for the most part. Coordinator is the correct label for what you're doing. However, the fact that a company with revenues in the $MMs like that doesn't have a full-fledged marketing department from a CMO on down is alarming at best. Get TF out of there. You're not going to grow working as a one-man band doing what you're doing.

I can't believe you're brave enough to put some untested, no-name formula on your actual hair. Yikes.