Aaaw yes I know her! I really like her channel!

Looking for Travel YouTube ChannelsTravel

Do you have any advice on some good travel Youtube Channels? Both for getting inspiration for new destinations or planning / knowing what to expect on a trip you've booked? I usually read some blogs but I'd prefer videos but all I can find is cinematic stuff that doesn't really tell much about a place

Sponsorship TipsQuestion / Problem

Hi There,

Thanks to everyone who will reply. We are happy to be monetized months ahead of when we thought thanks to a few great videos. Our Sub count also grew significantly and given our niche (travel & Adventure + Couple/lifestyle) we think we might already target a few industries and companies for sponsorships. I am totally ok with doing the cold outreach to sponsors myself as I have a background in B2B sales, what I'm struggling with is I don't know the type of collabs and what to ask.

My question to anyone who would like to help is: What usually is a right amount and how are contracts structured?(i.e. is it $ per views, $ per subs) I assume there are also variants based on when I mention the sponsor and how much they want me to follow a script vs saying whatever I want myself

Currently we have

12K Subs and several videos that reached over 30K in a few weeks and going strong + a viral short.

It might be early for sponsorship but at the rate we're going it might be a matter of month or two and I'd like to be prepared for when the moment comes and not find myself clueless when negotiating.

Thank you!

I can confirm it can be flipped up! I flipped it up for every work call in my last 2 jobs and no one in my company has a clue that I have a septum.

It's a travel channel. We do want people to be into us for what we are, that's why I won't remove it but I'm seriously questioning whether flipping it up would speed up channel growth at this point and if it'd be worth it.

Men Septum Hate:metadisk_flair: discussion
Moderator removed post

Rough Timeline of how some things went in a few places I've stayed

  1. Rent in a place is 400 / 500 USD for a nice apartment.

  2. Digital Nomad Guru Influencer Coaches start posting about it on IG and TikTok.

  3. Becomes a Popular Destination

  4. Americans who are used to paying 3K for a hole in Silicon Valley flood marketplace and groups with: "Imma move there for 3 months, looking for a studio, budget 1500 USD!!!"

  5. Landlords realise and speculate

  6. Rental market ruined for locals and others.

Location becomes "too expensive" and not fun anymore cause... well the people who loved it the previous years stop going cause they can't afford it anymore.

Cycle starts again in a new location.

I agree with the various "Wherever you are there you'll be" comments and that travelling is not a magic bandaid but if you go with the clear intention of figuring shit out, that will stay in the back of your mind and you might at some point getting an epiphany sipping coconut on the beach. Or you might not get the epiphany but hey, at least you got to sip some coconut on the beach.

Deffo some lifestyle adjustment needed there! Gotta say that sometimes just not getting ripped off and knowing the local prices helps.

I'm saying that cause a lot of North Americans\Northern Europeans\Germans land in places where rent for a 2 beds is like 500$ and start asking around for studios with budgets of 1200$ and fuck it up for themselves and over time for many others. (Not Thailand specific, just a thing I'm noticing a lot lately with Digital Nomads)

Hi there, I felt exactly like you when I was 24 and working an office job in the UK. Difference is, I was sh&t scared to go to Thailand and leave my job and postponed stepping into the unknown till I was 29. Bit of advice and guidance (subjective and influenced by my experience)

  1. Anxious? You're 23. You have like another 10+ years to keep reinventing yourself and change life many times and still get a decent job in your 30s after some bootcamp, course or couple of years in an entry level role or whatever if everything fails, so take a deep breath and chill. I know it's hard to see but you're very young and can afford to spend tons of time making mistakes and experimenting, so rejoice. :)

  2. Your currency in the work marketplace is how skilled you are or experience: These give you leverage to ask for GOOD AND REMOTE roles, if you don't have skills or experience it'll be hard to get such a gig. If you want to work remotely this young and inexperienced for someone else you'll have to settle for something basic and entry level. If you wanna be a remote employee figure out what you are GOOD at, become SO GOOD that people will be like: "Ok I'll hire you even if you don't come to the office." It'll take time though. In the meantime if you wanna do sth on the laptop remote you'd have to work as a VA or Customer Care support chat assistant or other low paid gigs. You'll be competing with Indians, Pakistanis, Filipinos and AIs that are cheaper though.

  3. You have a HUGE privilege of being a Brit. Native speaker = Good pay for teaching English wherever you go. Consider getting a TEFL certificate or just flash your passport to get an English teachiing job in Asia. They pay very well and sometimes give you accommodation.

  4. If it's hard to find a boss that would hire you, be your own boss: Freelance / Start your business. I have met many in their early to mid twenties with successful remote marketing agencies or freelancing. It's not as easy as coaches from Bali will have you think: You need to take time and being good at a craft with a brilliant portfolio is not enough, you need to learn sales and business development and do tons of outreach to get the first clients. So if you want to go on this route take some time to learn sales and understand that at the beginning 80% of your time should be spend searching leads, reaching out to them and pitching them.

I have the privilege of being skilled and hireable remote, managed to also freelance successfully and have seen my wife go from 0 to making more with freelancing than I was doing good tech role, starting without experience and fully remote. Shoot me a DM and can try and help you figure things out.

Here are the options:

Train: Nope. None. Unless you get one to Siracusa, sleep there and then the next day you get a train to Modica.

Bus: Yes but the last one is at 8.30 PM. They don't show up on google maps because the company in charge is Azienda Siciliana Trasporti, their website is shite and their timetable is not synced to Google, you'll have to use this old page to check the timetable:

Or hire a car.

Forget about taxis, they're hella expensive, your best bet is to book a night in Catania and then catch a direct(ish) bus early morning to Modica

That's a views graph though, not a rentention graph. I.e. the X axis is the days since posting and the Y is number of views, not whhere people are watching

Watch out from drones are some of the most regulated things. If you go to Morocco with a Drone and don't declare it custom will take it on your way out. You have to declare it and having them holding it at the airport and leave from the same airport. I believe different countries have different regulations. IN some bringing a drone is straight up illegal.

I don't think the Vpn / porn stuff is enforceable. I used a VPN in turkey and was fine

Aloe Vera, you can always slice a leaf, get that gel and it's great for pretty much anything. Basil / Parsley / Mint if you wanna cook or make green tea (good for digestion) and other herbs

NASA made a study about the ability of some plants to filter air:

What could cause this pattern?TECHNICAL QUESTION

What would cause a pattern like the one in the img below?

This video was posted and for a few days had very underwhelming results compared to others. I changed the thumbnail, still nothing for another couple of days. Then from one moment to the other it just shoot up. It brought +10% subs to my channel and got over 1k views in 48 hours. It took my best video a couple of weeks to hit 1k.

But then just as it all of a sudden shoot up it went flat from one moment to the other.

That's a great video idea.

"Why some people have to always assume worst intentions" lmao

Woah so many ideas there you could basically look at any channel here and come up with a list! (See the true crime user response)

Brown letters have the scariest language! And then you call them and they're like: "Oh, our bad sorry. Done and dusted, cheers."

I'm totally ignorant in the gaming niche... I like the "trying to figure out what games to play"

maybe stuff like "trying 3 games today and choosing one" "Pick a random game and force myself to play a number of levels or a certain amount of time"

But again I know nothing about the gamer audience so maybe it's rubbish advice

I'm super ignorant in this topic but the way you described it sounds very thorough! I am very basic with anime and manga tastes (one piece, naruto, dragon ball... lame...I know!) I like old school stuff too like Kenshiro and Ranma 1/2

We are in Italy at the moment for a few months, we will then be in China for a year or so.

So far have been doing mostly food content, struggling to find something that wasn't already filmed by big travel youtubers.