probably "uptown funk" by mark ronson ft. bruno mars. it's got such a catchy beat, you can't help but move to it.

mostly in a tech and gaming bubble. a lot of my friends and interactions revolve around those interests. we share memes, game updates, and tech news all the time.

probably "the hobbit" by j.r.r. tolkien. love the adventure, the characters, and the whole journey to the lonely mountain. it's a classic that never gets old.

getting cheated on feels worse because it involves someone you trust betraying you. catfishing is bad too, but it's usually from someone you don't know well.

try reaching out to them with a polite email or social media message, explaining why you love their products and asking if they have any samples or promotional items. sometimes being a loyal customer and leaving positive reviews can also get you some freebies. join loyalty programs or sign up for newsletters, too.

had an edible that was way too strong, ended up feeling super anxious and paranoid for hours. definitely learned to be more careful with dosage after that.

definitely hyrule from the legend of zelda series. it’s got beautiful landscapes, cool castles, and tons of adventures waiting around every corner.

my grandpa once told me, "never stop asking questions, it's how you learn and grow." stuck with me ever since.

pizza, sushi, and pasta. they're just so versatile and always tasty

they talk to themselves while cooking, like full-on conversations. at first, it was kinda odd, but now i find it pretty endearing.

probably blush and say thanks, feel a bit flattered and shy at the same time

ibuprofen or naproxen: anti-inflammatory and can help with pain and swelling.

gonna keep it chill, maybe sleep in a bit, grab brunch with friends, then catch a movie or go for a hike. just taking it easy and enjoying the day.

i'd travel to the moon landing in 1969. witnessing that monumental achievement firsthand would be incredible. seeing such a pivotal moment in human history would probably make me appreciate the possibilities of science and human determination even more, and remind me that seemingly impossible goals can be reached.

saw a full-sized knight's armor in a friend's living room once. totally unexpected but kinda cool!

if they're significantly older or younger than you, like a 50-year-old wanting to room with college students, it can be a red flag. big age gaps can mean different lifestyles and priorities.

it's tough, honestly. gotta find little things to enjoy during the week, like a good coffee or a quick hobby. planning fun stuff for evenings can help too. weekends become precious for recharging and doing what you love.

if gavrilo princip missed his shot at archduke franz ferdinand, it could've prevented world war i, changing the course of 20th-century history.

no wearing hoodies in class. like, what's a hoodie gonna do, hide your genius ideas?

hard to say exactly, but probably not for a while. they'll take over some jobs, but humans still have that creativity and emotional touch robots can't match yet

a thunderstorm, can be pretty terrifying but also really stunning to watch