Learning about history has helped. It taught me that throughout human history, absolutely countless people have lived horrific lives. Lives that have been cut short by an axe, a sword, a bullet or a disease.

Millions and millions of dead humans would trade you for your life. A life of laws, medical advancement, political stability. A life of blankets and infomercials and clean water.

There are no barbarians at the gate looking to chop your head off tomorrow morning. (I hope)

Life now is fucking weird ill grant you. But it's arguably better than it's ever been for the average person.

I dont know what culture your family comes from and I'd love to know - I was thinking Muslim at 1st but then the alcohol doesn't fit that theory - but as far as my culture is concerned siblings at a wedding are pretty much like any other guest. They're not required to do anything but have a nice time however they wish and it's understood that THEIR wives and husbands are their priorities.

If you didn't speak to your sisters, brothers and father for like 12 months, would your life be better or worse?

I used to work with deano.

Deano met a women online who's fantasy involved a man in a balaclava entering her house and raping her. She would fight back for a bit and then be overpowered and taken.

They agreed the time and place (her house) and method (door unlocked).

And deano agreed to do this. To a complete stranger. A good time was had by all apparently but I sometimes think what could have gone wrong...

Deano I'm not sure you could read, but if you're reading this you're a utter fool.

You're not the asshole. You got this. Youve confimed shes safe and not pregnant If your daughter needs to talk to a parent about sex she can talk to you. She likely doesn't want to talk to her dad about sex.

In my household if my wife says she's got this then that's that. I can ask all the questions I like but I wouldn't get angry about anything.

Wait so you were hidden and they called you on your phone?

Your life, as you know it is over. However, you do get an entirely new life.

Just cos the kids are playing doesn't mean a stranger wants you or your kid in their life and in their phone. Your kid needs to learn that sometimes they meet a stranger, have a fun time , and then go home.

Why do people insist on trying to collect other people.

"Hey our kids have been speaking for several minutes can I have access to you now too?"


Nice one. Thanks. I'm a moron. Music is so incredibly complicated to me, I do not have the brain for it at all.

I thought it was just a euphemism for really loved cocaine. Turns out it's a whole thing.

Oo a win on a technicality. Impressive.

If you can keep a conversation going for 4 hours you're socially a genius.

I keep hearing "my mum died" from alot of them. I dont know what their lives were like before their mother death, no doubt bad, but that comes up alot.

Likely their mothers were the last ones to put up with their downward trajectory and when she dies it's the streets.

Yeah I know, that's why I asked. My initial assumption was that they did. But I think you've almost illuminated it for me and all that's left to ask is if everytime he jumps the next note isn't the same distance musically as the last jump?

Gosh this is a difficult thing to explain on my part.

The people saying you don't usually or have yet to date a black women are the same people who have their own preferences and haven't dated every single race of person either.

Their just being hypocrites and stirring the pot to get some tension or drama going. Likely they weren't really your friends or the notion of you being excommunicated is more thrilling to them than continuing being your friend.

Your explanation to tasha was fine. It's nobody else's business why you turned her down.

When she says bringing THIS up NOW it means there's a thing. A thing she hasn't figured out in time.

Shes mad cos you found the thing ahead of time.

That thing is leaving you for someone else when most convenient/lucrative to her.
