When you get caught making a watersports porn clip

Cows are worth quite a bit of money, no owner is going to let something that makes him money just slide by the wayside, plus you don't allow a carcass to spoil your water source besides it being illegal to do so.

He might have the authority to have Trump arrested as a treasonous enemy to democracy.

Cookies. Calm. Quiet. That is what he has a problem with? I guess it's comforting to know it's not because he's too white or a pedo, or a felon.

Republicans have no morals. Or ethics.

I always put it this way, there are no shortcuts for learning guitar.

The most dangerous regimes were from the far left, just in case you forgot about history, yes indeed, fascists killed millions of people, the far left of the Soviets and just Mao's regime killed in the hundreds of millions. Republican leadership might want to remember that when discussing bloodshed.

If a non musician was being condescending about my music talents, I wouldn't waste either of our time with music being a topic. Luckily for me, my friends enjoy my playing.

Some years ago I had a similar problem, a peer was trying to undermine everything I did and even decided to make a physical assault on me. He was unrelenting and followed me on the weekends. It was like he couldn't stop. It took a little planning to lead him where he didn't have the upper hand, it ended after a fight and it turned out he was just like me, a little sociopathy at work.

Poor Layla, she should be carried around and have a serious belly rub.

The ending of democracy? What a terrible way to end it with, the breakingwind of change.