Bring your daughter to a shelter to meet some adult cats and see if one connects with her! That’s how I got my current kitty. Kittens can be unpredictable, and for kids that might mean getting scratched etc.

I know the options for colour are there, but my last two pairs have been black, and brown/olive. Maybe it’s where you’re looking?

We have the same hair, sounds like! I went to a great stylist recently and complained that nothing I was doing worked. She gave me a great cut, and some greater tips. I was being so harsh with my hair, she said. She recommended AG Apple cider shampoo, and some sort of conditioner for volume. I picked up AG Thikk. Gentle massage for the shampoo part, a full minute but no harsh scrubbing. Massage the scalp. Conditioner over all the hair, and squish it around before rinsing. It’s counter-intuitive and I was skeptical. But it really works. Just rinse well.

Dry with a diffuser for volume, or a vent brush and no diffuser. Simplifying my routine made my hair look and feel so much better. I still have to daily wash, but it’s not as immediately terrible!

I commented before scrolling and said the same. First thing that popped into my head—she looks like Gizmo. 😁

Well with that dad in mind, how were vehicle sales overall in 2020? It was covid lockdown so I imagine sales were affected all over. And in 2023, there was no golf model to compare, just the Taos.

I’m in the exact same boat. I’m on my second golf and have almost 200,000 km. I need to replace it because I have a long, rural commute, but I don’t like what’s on offer. I love my car. It’s solid, heavy on the road, excellent to drive. I’m not into SUVs. What the heck, VW. I just want a simple hatchback or wagon!

It wasn’t a hole, but the little bar that runs perpendicular to the exhaust was pushed upward and touching the pipe. A crowbar pulled it down and it sounds normal again. 🫠

More of a roar, mixed with a tinny sound. I hauled off the heat shield and now I’m thinking I damaged the exhaust. 😳🤬

I love the Halloween fabric! Wondering what sort of things you’d be interested in, if you’d like to chat?


It’s so good! It’s a staple where I live. Try it and lemme know what you think!


Butter, cinnamon and sugar Or butter and molasses 😋


Me, I haven’t been active here in a long time but I was scrolling today and saw this—so, hi everyone!

Dire Wolf

contains one of my favourite phrases: ‘close to nowhere, halfway across’

Yay! Go slugs! Haha Also, I like your username. Maybe we have a lot in common?

Well how can we fix this? Let’s brainstorm! Haha