How do you make a living cashing 1/8 of tournaments?

Considering the fact that he's charging admission to a July 4th party I would agree with your assessment.

Why do i feel like you didn't google exactly what I told you to?

Google first pass metabolism. You’re not taking oral AAs.

Mr. “Donate 15k for my dad’s GoFundMe funeral expenses” Huni?

Is it? I don't know, I never kept up with it. I just thought he made too many degenerate sports bets.

I was seated next to him at a circuit event in Cherokee NC a couple months. Seems like a nice enough guy, lives in Charlotte now apparently. Seemed pretty subdued and quiet, but perked up when talking about the “old days” with another player at the table. I sorta feel bad for him as far as all the bankruptcy stuff. Have to assume he’s backed for the PPC.

We use WealthMD, but honestly I don’t think they’re different than any other financial advisor. They were helpful in terms of setting some goals, getting life insurance, will, job specific disability insurance etc. I haven’t found them useful for much else investing wise.

Dylan Linde’s book has a great section on it. It’s for a 40BB cap cash game, but still, lots of relevant concepts.

Yep I’m 42, born and raised. I’ve literally never gotten used to the heat, every summer I just feel absolutely miserable for 3 months straight.

This is unusually hot for June even by Atlanta standards. At least it’s not 100% humidity too.

Yea same thought. Can’t remember last time I used a C Mac though.

I’m all for expensive meals, but $1400 is fucking insane.

It was a truly magical time watching him 6 table 500/1k against the likes of Ivey Antonius and Durrr.

Golden cherry, passion fruit, and the popsicle flavor ones are all good. Strawberry is the only one I really dislike. Never had any of the sugar free ones.

The golden cherry is so good though it almost equals out the strawberry.

It doesn't. The situs inversus was just an incidental finding to whatever GI symptoms OP is having. Not sure why he thinks it's related.

When it was 5 handed Tollerene had over 70% of the chips in play. I'm sure he will be just fine with his $3 mil score, but still that's gotta hurt.

There’s something about his nice guy buddy buddy image that seems totally fake. He’s actually a prick to a lot of players and says these underhanded rude comments, but then does his annoying little laugh and acts like he’s so funny.