I’m sure it’s just baader-meinhof but the fact that the Bobbitt scandal was brought up is nuts because it was randomly brought up at Mother’s Day lunch at my grandmas on Sunday (don’t worry about it…haha). I hadn’t heard about it in so long Hahahha.

Not sure if anyone else follows PotRoastsMom. But poor thing lost her elderly cat Rocko (who she took in after Pot Roast passed away) within the last few months and the other day her two young cats Faucet and Coupon had an emergency visit to the vet due to a freak situation involving their flea medication. She posted today that Faucet has passed away. Super suddenly. I feel so horrible for her. Pet loss is such a hard thing to deal with and she obviously loves her kitties/any kitties that need her help.

Jack Box, Shark Head, Matt Rife comedy tour coming soon to a city near you!

The sweet girl just popping in and staring at Nick is of my favorite Doughboys moments of all time. No joke.

I love their podcast!! I couldn’t get through the Anna Faris episode though

Omg I know I’m so proud of sweet Howie!!! Also I love in a recent video she revealed she’s allergic to crab hahah

And married to Marissa Pinson!!!! Dynamite human/duo

Mitch’s recurring mentions of da Mango will never get old to me hahah I get so excited when I feel it coming

Yeah I saw a comment being like she needs to decide if she wants to be a serious tattoo artist or a social media darling. I get that.

Oh no are more ig girls coming out of the woodwork? He’s still so sloppy it just shows how he will always be a spoiled little boy who does whatever he wants…even when his SO is pregnant. I’m sure his dad supports it though lol.

Eta: just saw some guy is also trying to have Ney inherit his 200m fortune when he passes. What on earth

I’m happy that I’m not the only one who doesn’t care about the guests’ relationship with gossip lol

Omg I love the idea of this pod and never heard of it! Thank you for bringing to my attention!!

The worst was Blais always having to bring up how he should have beat Stephanie in season 4. Anytime he showed up again. The way he worded it always rubbed me the wrong way.

I thought I somehow totally missed Kate McKinnon and Aaron Rodgers and was shocked for many reasons

I found myself having such a crush on Tom haha majorly bummed out

Yeah my first thought was ha this lady bought a cheap shein/asos knockoff of a designer dress and got called out on national tv haha


Does anyone else remember when Dominos had bread bowls for their pastas? The three cheese pasta in a bread bowl was my go to hangover meal in college. DISGUSTING I can’t believe I would do that.

For reference:



Philadelphia Sephora’s are pretty bad, usually out of stock of most items. Especially the Chestnut Street one..went in yesterday and all three of wht I wanted were out of stock. And they aren’t even viral tiktok items or anything. Suburban square one is better though, I think the more you get out of the city, though I’ve found staff there isn’t as helpful as others. Fashion district seems to be out of stuff a lot as well, it’s fairly new so I haven’t really gotten a good grip on how it is. The employees there have always been really helpful though!