Damn I’m so jealous. That would be so much fun. My favorite set to open by far and have my best luck with as well. My last etb had the latias, suicune, 4 SRs and gold dialga.

Not when you don’t have plenty of candies for both and ones way better. Instead of slowly doing both. You’d obviously max out your good fully evolved one rather then using all the few candy you have that’s barely enough to fully evolve the other. People just ask questions they know the answer just to brag when there’s an entire sub meant for that.

If you wanna show off your hundo Mon just post it. Don’t have to ask a stupid question you know the answer to.

I’m trying to say there really isn’t a specific card tho. I spend money on opening cards because that’s the fun part for me and it’s awesome when there’s a cool card. If there was one that I really wanted specifically then ya I’d buy the one over buying packs trying to get the one. That wouldn’t be very smart.

Yeah but I open the cards because I get no satisfaction by ordering a single. I’m just over this set. I have absolute terrible luck. Way better with other sets. If I was to buy singles of everything I wanted the list would be ridiculously long since I’ve pulled nothing.

I just opened a 151 upc and a etb and got literally 2 exs and a Mr mime… never buying cards again.

And what makes you so sure of what they meant? Sure doesn’t sound like that’s what he was saying

I got another etb on the way too haha.. My mom worked at Nintendo my whole childhood and 152 got me back into collecting for the first time since.

For some reason they were like 8$ more at target than the other ETBs too. I went to GameStop right after saw it for cheaper and the guy working even weighed them all by hand haha and gave me the one he said was noticeably heavier. I laughed and was like ya ok…Couldn’t believe it was the best etb I’ve ever ripped outta quite a lot. Shoulda stuck to this set cuz I bought 151 upc today and jeesus it was beyond terrible. Only working on zenith from now on

Exactly that literally what I initially said

I mean I was happy with the first legends. I’m still excited for the next one but trying not to get to high hopes.

Hahaha… Pokémon and original.. no offense but that is funny. We’re talking about the company that cycling back through their previous games for remakes. I’m sure there will be a few new mons with mega evos but it’s the same city. Same gimmick.

I love how the suicune, pop hyena and swablu are all touching and I pulled them all in back to back packs in my last tip sesh ha

I forgot he had to already done it once but I also commented saying it’s 100 every 20 km. Which is the same as what you said but I don’t think you actually get 5 everyone tho ha

Yup I got 2 back to back shiny ho oh right before and knew I was screwed. 0/25 shiny rays. Had to trade for 1

I did 25 no shiny. But my homie traded me one last night and was my first random lucky trade I’ve ever had. Mind blown.

The difference is so small that the only way you’ll ever even notice is if you’re facing the same Mon with better stats or one that you’d lose to anyways. If you’re using for raids you’ll never tell the difference

Bro I recently opened my first zenith etb and pulled the gold dialga vstar that latias and the rest sirs. Seems like that set has great pull rates.

Yeah you get 100 mega energy every 20k you walk with ray