Hey kiddo, mom here. I can't imagine being that rude to my child. Ever. You didn't FU, your mom is acting horribly. Do you have any contact with your dad, maternal or paternal grandparents? Or aunts/uncles who are blood relatives? If you do, and its not a toxic relationship they may be able to provide you with more emotional support than your own mother.

I am also concerned for you because at 18, a lot of abusive/uncaring parents are unwilling to provide any longer for their children and may ttry and turn them out on the streets. Have you graduated HS already? Do you have a job/path forward? Looking at college/trade school/armed services? Make sure you are keeping your eye on what comes next because your mother probably won't.

And lastly, if you ever need a kind word, r/momforaminute has it in spades.

I would still separate generally by color. SO uses cold water, and doesn't color separate. He has a lot of pink socks because of his red t-shirts lol.

My method for sorting :

Woolite dark bottle (hand-wash cycle, wooden clothes rack to dry/or dryer dry as label indicates) : - Work clothes requiring delicate care (silks / wools etc) - separate into darks and lights/white

Regular detergent (dryer dry as label indicates) : - Dark blue/ dark green /black (including jeans) - Red / Brown - Whites (clothes only) - Light colors

May hot water wash these sometimes (dryer use as label indicates) - Towels/Bath washcloths - Bed clothes

Take no prisons clean (hot water, normal detergent, pre-soak w/ 1/4 c bleach added to the machine) : - cleaning rags/cloth shower curtains - kitchen rags/towels

Just got off a horror contract in December that fit this bill. Entire time they developed the product they used 25-50 sample records per table. Absolutely crap performance when they finished the production etl of data 2 months before product delivery. The team is going to be in rewrite mode for years to get the performance in shape.

Also, upgrading db's isn't that hard, especially when you use something like ansible and have a dev & test environment. Anytime you do a software/db upgrade you should be combing the release notes as the first step to validate the changes won't break your system. Or hope your testing is robust enough to catch any problems.

I think there is a genetic component. Father's side has lots of gastro issues, Dad has IBS so do most of his siblings. My brothers have it and it looks like my son got it as well.

Dude, in a rough, your lawn means diddly squat.

I've been on zolmitriptan for 15-20 years and the only thing I've noticed is that I 'taste' what old books smell like. It's wierd. No other real side effects for zolmitriptan or sumitriptan for me. Efficacy however has started to deteriorate as my migraines have morphed into occular/vestibular over the past 8 months.

I've been renting the same place for 10 years from a private landlord. I really don't understand why you don't just go get a window unit so you're not miserable. Even if it's not covered by the landlord, 150-300$ to not be miserable in this heat seems worth it to me.

The longer the hair, the more product you need, as well as time to apply/rinse. You cut before dye is applied because dying the part that will be cut off is a waste of money.

No, school pyramid is the actual elementary/middle/high school that your home is attached to. Around fairfax county, not every elementary school student goes to the same middle or high school.

Headlights can't have any broken glass. You need an actual writeup of the defects and can call around for repair estimates. Or if just replacing a standard bumper, buy the part yourself and youtube how to replace it yourself. Early 20s daughter did that to fix her headlight.

Op, thank you for this question. And lawyers than you even more for your knowledgeable response. As a techie, I love this sub!

Yup, last 8 months or so about 1x per month, I get occular/vestibular migraine that meds don't touch. First 24 hours I can't even keep water down, next 24 I'm still dizzy, but can eat bland food. Vomiting is because the room spins, I have no pain with these bastards. Regular pain migraines can be interrupted with triptans/neurtec/etc. But nothing so far for these things.

Audio books for when it's so bad I have to keep my eyes closed to keep from vomiting. 🤮

No, it's just a behavior you're willing to tolerate. I've had multiple dogs in my life and none of them would have ever done that. These types of behaviors are also why crates exist.

I did a loan in the mid 2010s, and it was not due in full at separation. Kept paying via bank withdrawal for a number of months after.

If you can't get medical care in your town, find the nearest major medical town and try to get seen there. It's very common in rural areas that you have to travel a ways to see specialists.

You're basically asking a bunch of non doctors to tell you if you have colon cancer based off of your stool destruction. Even if we say yes or no, would you really want or trust a layman's take on it?

Those pics are showing up as pretty low quality. I not interested in buying, but better pics may help.

Then don't participate? 🤷

If you have solid employment, use projects at work to slowly pick up new skills. Ive got 25 years under my belt as a dba/etl/data person. I learn best by practical application. I took a job a couple months ago with a slight pay cut to gain experience with a cloud native stack. I'm also the only person doing the initial data analysis that is driving the etl implementation, so they're getting their money's worth while I get paid to skill up.

That's not actually what the article says. At all.

I'm not a do, but you seem to be looking for medical advice on the internet. If docs are anything like lawyers, they are not able ethically to provide medical advice through anonymous internet forums. If I were you and you're uncertain with your current regimine, why not make an appointment with another doc/office to get a 2nd opinion?

If you're into cycling, nova cbg is a great beginner group. https://www.meetup.com/novacbg/

Not sure how old you are but the 20s and 30s group was pretty active when I was doing a lot of meet ups. Same with the 30s and 40s group.

More rigorous cycling groups are : VeloDCity and Getting It In Cyclists.

Lots of local bike shops also offer beginner rides, it's another great way to branch out.

Volleyball is also pretty good on meet up as well as the sailing club of Washington (SCOW) if you're interested in that.

Ah, so I point out it's safe enough as a woman to walk around alone with children so you pick another angle of attack.

The marriage didn't work out. He was financially irresponsible and put us on a path to bankruptcy. Stole tens of thousands out of shared accounts. Luckily I didn't require a man to provide for me or my children and was able to keep them in a secure childhood.

I think you need to expose yourself to more of life if you think a 2 parent household is the end all be all of what's required to raise kids.