Hmm. I’m a happy person with a depressive order. When I’m not happy I’m not just a little unhappy, I’m in horrible, agonizing, misery. But my healthy baseline is pretty happy, and when I’m not depressed I find joy in little things like clean sheets and pretty days and tasty food and how cute my dog is and books and songs and coffee and all sorts of other daily forms of happiness.

What's the context on this one?

Oh my god. That’s horrifying.

ESH. Your daughter should be talking to someone about that level of violence. Your FOUR YEAR OLD should not have been unsupervised near water — none of these kids should have. Your husband should not say he’d also hold a 6yr old under water.

My one problem with this is how they change over the service …is it meant to be Saturday or Sunday??

R/tragedeigh spelling of Julie

I also love cold cake. But warm cinnamon rolls, donuts, brownies, fudge sauce…

Most fried food is mediocre cold. Donuts are like 300% better fresh and warm.

Right? Truly unpopular and unhinged, good for OP.

Maybe — all those things are caused by hormones going crazy so seems possible! But it’s a lot to be dealing with and important to check out.

I know women are asked this all the time but…is it possible you’re pregnant? Hunger, headaches, vomiting, exhaustion, and brain fog were all part of early pregnancy for me. Either way it sounds like you’re going through enough changes all at once that seeking a medical opinion is wise (and they will ask this question, too).

Also lost a great uncle recently who honestly I wasn’t sad to see go, but my husband and I sent a few meals to my cousin who’d lost his dad. Just taking things off the plate, so to speak, of the central mourners.

When my grandpa died I was across the country, but I called my mom every day for the first week and also had some cookies similar to cookies we used to eat with my grandpa sent to my parents house. When my grandma died I lived at home so I cooked dinner for my parents. When my grandma in law died I baked for my in-laws. Feeding people is how I show love; your way may be different, but it’s a time to show love and care in some form.

Naomi, though it’s my nieces name so not for my baby

I love Noelle, but I’m Jewish and having a baby nearish Christmas so just can’t

lol I guarantee you this is not ammo the kids use for bullying these days. The most bullied kid I’ve seen was named a top 10 name.

I named you after the first woman to refuse to bow down to her husband because I want you to be independent. Easy. Maybe the name has satany vibes if you’re Christian but I’m not so idgaf.