Maybe try doing it, instead of explaining?


Maybe I should be your friend?😳

No he couldn’t

If he can't even acknowledge the beauty of any human beings beside his gf, said gf might be just a little over-jealous

I mean, jealousy can be cute to an extent, but for my taste that's too much. He can't just turn of his eyes or look at the sky whenever a girl comes into a 10 metre radius of him

You reminded me of that Youtuber that makes videos in the style of "The first person to ever something something"

Like the first person to swim:

Oh, I fell into a big amount of the drinking stuff

Oh, do you want to get out?

I don't know how

You don't know how?

Yea, moving in the drinking stuff is weird, I have to like flap my arms and legs to do it

So like a bird?

Yes, it feels like flying, but different


trying to understand the math, why an equation is the way it is etc. and then say 'fuck it we ball' at the exams, leads to better problem solving for someone like me

Same here. And if you got the basics, like rearranging equations, how negative numbers work, how multiplication and division work etc*. you eventually get to a point where you can skip classes as well, just giving your mate's notes a couple of looks and immediately understanding stuff.

*I mean really go down these rabbit holes. Stuff like that sounds simple, but many don't even really know how division works (source: I give extra classes to people my age who struggle with math). Knowing that dividing a through b is the same as multiplying a with the inverse of b (which would be 1/b) - that is what I call the basics, cos they're the principles everything is based on. You should know about division being the same as multiplication, which is repeated addition, which is repeated succession and stuff like that. Many people also don't get intuitively how -x+y is the same as y-x. When you understand (not know) that kind of stuff, you'll ace every single exam without a single error without even really paying attention in class, much less studying at home.

I must note however that I am autistic, which is somewhat of an advantage, but my point stands.

Du sagst letztes Jahr, als wäre sowas super selten. Wenn man oft genug hinschaut kann man die relativ oft sehen, auch wenn die manchmal bisschen schwach sind. Zumindest ist das hier in Brandenburg so

autosuspected autist

very similar to each other :D

I mean, we're the same species afterall

You're Asian, so you've most likely been compared to a lot of Asian celebs, which I don't know much. So my guess is maybe Mr beast?

autosuspected autist

I used to be the type of kid that would always think the sky is falling. Why am I so differently wired, am I a Martian? What type of twisted experiment am I involved in? Cos I don't belong in this world...