I’m not sure but I reckon 50% of people reading this post don’t know this Iommi track even exists. Brian May is even in it.


That’s not gaslighting, it’s used a bit too loosely these days but it’s definitely a wgaf 80’s attitude.

Remind me not to fuck with this guy. Nice work mate. Very nice…

The only difference we know is that Ron and Nancy were on amphetamines for a period there.

Music Style!

Not sure if you are talking root 6 or root 5 but nevertheless I barre both right across the fingerboard. Only difference is I mute the E 6th string on the root 5 with my left hand. I got big mitts and no time for dainty neat looking “only fretted across 5 strings” root 5 chords. lol

I’ve noticed this too and am yet to gig with my rig. Can I ask what parameters you found needed the most attention to get a good sound at gig volume. Was it eq stuff mainly?

I have this and found sitting down to pee makes life so much easier and cleaner.

Tommy Bolin - Album Private Eyes. My Dad used to crank Post Toastee through his super powerful late 70’s early 80’s hi fi. That got my juices flowing as a single figure kid.

Piece of Mind

The moral of this story is what not to do when a bird shots on you.

Yeah, got back into it in 2016 and played so many games now right through and many several times. GTA III GTA IV, GTA V, Watchdogs 1, 2 and Legion. Fallout 4 (huge hours on that) Farcry 4, 5 and 6. Sleeping Dogs, Cyberpunk 2077 (that game is absolutely a 10/10 amazing especially on pc with a good GPU). Days Gone, Ghost Recon Wildlands. Mafia I, 2 and 3. LA Noir and Gran Turismo Sport online races. Basically all the games I like are open world with driving gun play mechanics with a good story. I don’t watch tv though, so to me it’s almost like watching good drama tv shows at night except you are actively involved.

ADHD-C (Combined type)

Farken you’ve killed em. I just spat out my coffee laughing. 10/10. Congrats you’ve won the internet today. See yourself out. 😂

Sorry late reply. I’m not a jazz fan in the true sense. But as a blues/rock/metal guitarist of 35 years I’m aware of some jazz players and some basic things that pop into those above genres from time to time. If you like really good classy guitar playing I’d recommend Martin Taylor. The link below is him playing Nuages by Django Reinhardt. @2.39 he does the most unique fast run I’ve ever heard in my life. He starts the scale with strong picking and gets more and more delicate as it ascends (which is super hard) but it’s almost whisper quiet at the end the end of the run. I’ve never heard anything remotely like that ever. It’d probably be interesting to search him with a singer accompanying him. I’m sure anyone singing next to him is going to be absolutely outstanding. He’s one of the best in the world at his craft.



The Grudge by Tool.


Looking for this song to be in its rightful spot. Thank you. Ps “F**k your god” 😂 I’d add The Grudge too.


I think hell arose in Christianity around 300 CE. If that’s the case I think it was concept taken from other religions probably to manipulate people into fear of not following Christianity. Beyond that there’s plenty of evidence God is cruel. I mean, if I was a God and created a world with life and human beings the last thing that I’d sit around think “oh this a cool thing to add” is hate, war, pain, fear and suffering and the concept of eternal suffering in death for not picking up on the vague clues of my existence. If I made a world like that and showed people all of that horrible stuff I’m pretty sure they’d think I was cruel. It’s a bit like putting two spiders in a jar and forcing them to fight and die. It’s sadistic.

If I was building that I’d be using timber walls (the neat ones) as the tops of the piers (either two opposing or 4 enclosing it on a single floor space square) snapping to a timber floor on each level. Finish with a deep concrete based timber floor at the bottom that sinks into the ground so the base visually well connected to the ground. Getting it to snap is a little tricky to begin with but it once the technique is down it’s fast. Edit, if you got lots of resources just use deep concrete timber floors on top of each other. Thats the very best way and look but resource intensive.

Deep Purple for that Hammond vibe for sure. Check Boston Foreplay Longtime. And if you like the Hammond sound this guy Lachey Doley is insane.



If it were me I would be looking at this through the frame of it being a legitimate psychosis. When someone is in a psychosis the delusions are more real to them than anything. Like legitimately what they believe to be true and real. Take that stuff deadly serious.