Is it really consumption if he got them from people who would otherwise have trown them away?

It's just a collection, not anything harmful


You know these can(and do) have apartments up for rent in them?

I'll probably buy a second one, 1/144, to make for a small nice thing for my work desk. Any kit reccomendation(preferably under €10)?

Funcționează, am dat report tot așa la unu care era pe coclauri rau si spunea numai căcaturi legate de evrei, si i-au închis contul

E un cont de stângă extremă, si are conexiuni cu frații țâțe.

Ce așteptari mai ai?

Is it as bad as it's portrayed by our main stream media?(Jokes with water and the classic "eat your food, kids in africa are starving" come to mind)

Musk is a business man. He's not an inventor. He's not an engineer.

Do not charge that. It's a ticking bomb. Just get a new one, i assure you it's cheaper than the hospital bills

:row: Balkan-Indian War Vet

It's also becoming an issue in Romania. A nicer hotel in Mamaia is over €100 per night. Also, the imoboliare bros found Mamaia Nord and Năvodari:


And these are over €500 per night

Don't forget about what they put in. Who knows what they put in those things


From my experience the dvd reader is unreliable. Take the whole cable that scratches discs ordeal, for example. I'd imagine that the lack of a hdd port(even if understandable) doesn't help it's situation. I'm not saying it's a bad console, it's still a ps2, but i imagine people like the phat version way more.

I've seen these guys in countless shorts. Anyone knows the name of the show?


E și agramat


Ori a băgat un hulk ceva in ea ori e trabant 2.0. parchezi in fața unor scări, îți asumi

"nu va implicați în probleme reale implicați-va doar in sport, care nu are consecințe reale asupra vieții societății si care este folosit de guvern pentru distragere"