I’ve seen worse modern mullet + beard combos haha


People who go to the gym a lot wear a variety of stuff, and you’ll notice they wear pretty basic clothes too. Sometimes you can tell their washing is due because they have old clothes on 😂

I stupidly never saved the password for an old job’s newspaper subscriptions. I know they never changed it because no one ever really accessed it, and it was a fairly basic password too…

MMM Replica Bubble Bath 🫧

Angel is the only fragrance that has made me feel unwell/queasy

I’m angry about it too, and I didn’t read your comment is disrespectful at all. Blame is squarely on the adults that work in that hospital (who can barely keep things functioning, mind you) who think this is appropriate. Knowing full well that every record they access is logged and can be drawn into a report on a whim.

I know Charlie’s parents won’t sue the hospital for a variety of reasons, but I wouldn’t blame them if they wanted to. Absolutely stupid and so disrespectful.


Anyone who has worked in government with sensitive databases knows that there’s an audit log. In many cases, you yourself can actually see it lol — which is good design, because it reinforces the fact that everything you click on is logged.

Yes. Some of my best friends are former colleagues.

You’ll find some of the biggest NIMBYs (who can go toe-to-toe with North Adelaide residents, mind you) in the areas not outlined in red lol. Ironic considering they live in the CBD.

I do feel bad for the city council who really drew the short straw with their residential components lol

This argument isn’t worth having but I appreciate the drama

To be fair, Google does surface Reddit results. So we’re just doing the legwork in here haha

For most men (aka people with largely normal proportions and sizing), you’re always better off buying big and then getting it taken in + up than getting MTM.

Good advice from experts suggest either OTR + tailoring or completely bespoke, skipping MTM. Unless you’ve seen a pattern/style from a MTM place that you can’t find OTR!

A brand in the throes of a crisis will engage a person with such little experience to be at the helm of something so important out of sheer desperation.

This campaign has been a disaster for them. I don’t know who is responsible for it but they don’t have a career in the (very small and cliquey) Australian fashion industry ahead of them

It’s a bit too clinical, in my eyes, and it’s a detriment to the APS. Some people don’t see it as an issue, but it is an issue.

That’s how APS interviews go, and it is jarring. I gather they want to keep it as impersonal and unemotional as possible. I’ve had other public sector (state-based) interviews that were very normal, for lack of a better term. Lots of chit-chat and general talk, in addition to the actual interview questions.

APS interviews feel like the Spanish Inquisition. You’re allowed to ask questions but if they’ve only asked three, asking more than that in return feels a bit imbalanced.

This is it. They know at 28 this isn’t going to be your forever job, and you will likely wake up in six months and think “gee I really could do with that old income, might as well go do what I’m qualified for”. If you’re keen to save for a house, the temptation to go back to the old industry for more money is going to be irresistible.

So it might as well come from out of the blue to your employer.

I’m proud to say I got a beige pair when they first dropped and kept getting compliments. Now everyone has a pair!