They recently took the top position for robot density but don't have the most advanced robots. The top producers are Japan, Switzerland, the US, Germany, and South Korea. Japan alone produces around 45% of the world's robots.

Picking up the slack leads to increased productivity per worker, not fewer workers. The mass layoffs at Google/etc. were due to overhiring during the pandemic (an anti-competitive practice employed by every major tech company).

Automation isn't the silver bullet it has been advertised as. LLMs can't do every job and are quite far from being able to.


No, they're actively contributing. China is selling Russia drones and the US is providing Ukraine with drones.
Drones have proven themselves to be a completely new way of waging war that threatens traditional armor.

Every modern economic system humanity has come up with assumes population will grow indefinitely. We don't have a way of dealing with shrinking populations without lowering quality of life.

If only there was some technology that allowed us to store electricity...

Nope, the smart switch requires constant power to be able to operate (which requires the neutral). Supposedly Lutron has smart switches that don't require neutral but I have no experience with them.

Not unique to Facebook, all social media platforms have been censoring Palestinian content.

Whether you can use the neutral off the plugs will depend on if everything is wired together (likely but need to check to be sure).

Meta doesn't even try to reasonably moderate content.

NTA, he needed a friend and you were there. I have some questions about his mom though...

Almost certainly had to put the position on hold due to internal politics. I've had this happen twice at the same company before (huge company), the hiring manager wanted to bring me on but HR pulled the positions.

How kind of them to hand the entire river over to Estonia...

You're in the club and this girl walks up and slaps your ass in front of your girlfriend, what do?

Should be fine. Percentage matters less the more you make because other costs don't scale.

NASDAQ hosted article since that one has a paywall:

tl;dr Owning such a large portion of the market means that they can make a crash far worse as they try to move to safer assets.

There are far too many ops-side meetings like that. I had one particularly notable call years ago (when I was still ops) where they got ~50 people on the call - 10 managers and ~40 engineers. Two people ended up fixing the issue and the managers all ended the call patting each other on the back. To make things even more absurd, this was before COVID so we had a bunch of people sitting in cubicles on a video call to watch two people do actual work.

Ironically vehicles started growing because of a loophole in EPA standards (the larger the vehicle, the less strict the EPA requirements).

Unless they're bringing the Baja back Subaru doesn't have any trucks in North America. If you haven't looked into them - the Santa Cruz and Maverick are similar in size to the Baja.

Could import one but I'm not sure it would be cheaper than domestic options. Hyundai and Ford both make small trucks, Ford's is hybrid by default.

Fully specced, yes. They start around $36k. Thanks to a combination of factors the top end trucks became a combination of luxury and utility vehicles.

The US alone has spent billions, genius:

The stability was bought with the investment. The investment was required after disastrous destruction.

They were stable countries before, investment ensured they were stable after. How can someone be this dense?