I look at it more as the age where the rest of society starts to care about whether or not you have your shit together. They take you seriously as an adult when they can tell your shit's together.

Literally the only sound my cat will come running in response to is my partner crying. Everything else doesn't concern her but she'll run straight to my partner if they cry. She'll demand attention, going so far as biting and pulling on their hair if she needs to until my partner hugs her and says they're alright.


The worst show I've ever seen was Jason Aldean. Not someone I'd have gone to see but he was playing a festival I was attending so why not watch for a while. I've never seen anyone forget the lyrics more times than he did, and to the point where he straight up said he didn't know the lyrics to one verse and then proceeded to just not sign that part of the song. I don't know if he was drunk or what but it was just unprofessional all around.

I don't see why not, you may just need to burn a bit longer to heat the glass enough

When I'm out of booze or consciousness

Alright so this is cool tech and everything, but how exactly is this more useful than the dogs? It's gotta be less stable on its feet, no amount of software can make up for having half the contact points. It doesn't look large enough to perform tasks that something like boston dynamics' atlas could. Most of the robots I can tell exactly where they'd be useful but I just can't really see a use case for this one.

Tie a string around where you want the cut, douse it lighter fluid. Light it, then once it burns for a few seconds hit it with cold water. It'll crack perfectly around the line where the string was burning.

I went to a casino and then went glow in the dark mini golfing

I don't really have nightmares, not since I was a kid at least. One time I had a dream I was eating out of my cats litter box with a spoon like it was a big ass bowl of Caturd Crunch. That's as close as I've got.

Hell yes, I've been saying it for years. She's actually 3 years younger than Biden.

She'll be more comfortable and less stressed at home than she would be a vet or kennel. With family coming around to care for her it's likely to be the better option, especially if they have time to play with her.

Well, last time this happened the roles were reversed. Germany is very aware of how that went for France, it's logical to worry now that they'd be the ones with fascist neighbours.

When I was a kid the attic access was in my room. When the wind hit the house just right the pressure fluctuations would cause the plywood sitting in the access hole to shake and rattle in place. Definitely thought it was the demons trying to escape the attic though.

Anything (well, nearly) can be a mistake one time. Do it again though and you're out of luck when it comes to my forgiveness.

Oh maybe the Freakshop has a weapon bench inside it you can use for free actually

You need to own a property with a weapons bench. Several properties offer weapon benches, including vehicles like the MOC and Avenger. It's an additional cost in all cases I can think of right now, I'm sure some one will let me know if there's a property that includes a weapons bench for free. Then you need the base version of the weapon to upgrade at said bench. The modifications like explosive ammo are unlocked as research through the bunker.

That most necessary functions like your heart beat are entirely automatic and happen without your input or ability to control. Then there's breathing, which works exactly like that until you think about it and suddenly you're breathing on manual mode

Thousands of years? Nothing, evolution isn't that fast. Hundreds of thousands of years? We'd start noticing some changes, I'd bet our collective complexion will average out that a nice tan colour. Maybe changes in our eye sizes or bodies if there's more of us off earth than on it. Millions of years? We'll have evolved beyond what would be considered that species as we currently are, homosapiens will be a proto human species to whatever those people call themselves.

Surely you can't be serious!?

I am serious. And don't call me Shirley.