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No no you dont understand, those are woke

11A no mo

I got an AAM for wearing a banana costume during the culminating exercise of a major rotation as opfor on a defense.

We were in a major rotation for the 173rd, and our company had seized a major position, wrecking them to the point that a battalion and two additional companies would join the eventual attack to retake the place from us, and a lot of visibility had shifted to this fight (unbeknownst to me). During the battle I pulled out a giant banana costume and ran across the lines like the opening of braveheart, screaming obscenities and firing my m4. Apparently there was a lot of radio chatter about the lines being defended by a large banana. At one point I realized a 1-star and his CSM were standing behind me watching in disbelief so I ran back to the company toc. 1 star followed me in but didnt see my rank (black uniforms) and made me explain myself, they thought i was a goofy rto and not the company xo. After they left I reported it to my BN XO as a heads up, nothing came of it, and a week later i got an aam for "superb defense" during the battle.

It wont be a government vs people thing. Govt will split, and civilians will act as either enablers for the military on their side, or take out the kkk dorks marching down the streets trying to drag people out of their houses.

Guerrilla warfare will be huge. I mean we tried for 20 years to root out the Taliban and failed (i know, i was there), the States as a battleground will be long and bloody and a test of willpower more than anything.

lol nobody was shitting on him, literally two people asked "why do you need starlink on your car" and everybody else made helpful comments - somehow we've become so emotionally fragile that asking "why" makes you a hater now. (I wasn't one of the haterrrrs by the way)

I was a rifle PL in Afghanistan, we had a private who was honestly braindead crazy. He reported a toothache, we immediately sent him back to fob where our company hq was, and apparently while there he was following afghan contractors around and telling people he was undercover CID and checking for taliban.

I desperately want to believe Herrera. But i dont believe him.

11A no mo
  1. The vast majority of people in service industries have name tags and their company name on...

  2. This is an org chart and exists in virtually every established business in the world.

  3. Same, exists for any organization where people are an important part of the business.

11A no mo

You are not property, wake up from that moronic mentality please

11A no mo

We were in Kaiserslautern getting ready to fly into Afghanistan as part of our ADVON and there were some SF dudes there. You could tell who the SF support guys were because they were rocking the SF patch, aviators on inside, doing the cool guy "both hands on front of belt" poses but with no long tabs, and over to the sides were just some dudes not wearing patches

"They did woke and i will never forgive them for it"

It was listed in the report how the mom actually came to pick up the two boys and saying she was embarrassed of them etc

Honestly it highlights how great the red dot sights on pistols are, too. That shot very likely doesn't get made on irons at night like that

I think you don't know what the word discrimination means.

Yes, of course it is, but "discrimination" is not bad.

"Discrimination against a protected class" is bad.

When you choose a red plate vs a green plate, you are discriminating. Choosing a smart person over a dumb person as a study partner? Discrimination. Renting an SUV instead of a pickup truck? Discrimination.

Disliking someone because of an obnoxiously stupid haircut? Justified discrimination.

Discrimination by itself is not a dirty word.