So are Game Changer and VIP from the streaming service Dropout (formerly College Humor)! It’s so cool to see things like the Emmys finally acknowledging non-traditional “tv.”

Every time I went to the one by me the drinks seemed very watery - even the soda - and I got some of the sauce at the grocery store, so I’m good haha. You're right though, it’s so overrated compared to the hype.

Putting ketchup on hot dogs is, apparently, high treason. Because “that’s not how you eat/make a Chicago dog.” He is not from Chicago. I am not from Chicago. We did not live in Chicago. I did not put any other toppings on my hot dog, in the rare events that I ate one, so it’s not like I was trying to bastardize a “Chicago dog.” He would get SO mad about it.


I live in the Midwest and when one opened in my city, there were hours long lines for weeks. it was insanity. When I finally went, it was...fine. It’s fine. I don’t know why everyone talks like it’s this life-changing amazing experience of food. Also factor in the owners beliefs, and even if it was amazing, I would not feel super comfortable going there.

Report them. Open the reddit cares message in a new window, copy the link, click on report. Put the link in the report and for reason say “harassment via Reddit cares message.” I just learned how to do this, so idk if it does anything but...maybe if someone makes enough false reports there will be consequences to them.

SAME! I see pics of myself in college & im like who is this pretty skinny little thing who thought she was fat and ugly?? I wish I’d been more confident.

She’s so gorgeous and seems so cool I may actually start Bridgerton now.


Also, there are ads EVERYWHERE before Mother’s Day - the barbershop I work at has multiple TVs and on every more “dude”-centric station (ESPN 1-67, Paramount, Bally sports, etc; not to mention also on normal channels) are inundated with commercials for jewelry, flowers, teddy bears, edible arrangements, spa getaways, etc. And they all say multiple times Mother’s Day is Sunday, May 12. Any sport or sportscenter you watch is gonna beat you over the head with it. So to me there is no excuse for busy being like “they didn’t know” the date or that they should get gifts.

My best friends fiancé hit her with the “Why should I get you presents you’re not my mom”’ when their daughter was six months old. He refused to understand why it was a big deal...until she hit him with the same line on Father’s Day and did nothing for him. Suddenly it made sense, what a shock. (They’ve done a lot of work on their relationship and are in a good place now, but it was dicey for a while.)

ETA: whoever sent me to reddit cares over this comment...fucking really?


I remember being super sick and off work when this happened and I just laid in bed and BINGED drama channels for like three days. I swear I knew these people better than my families lmao. Now none of them - or the beauty community at all really - is relevant anymore.

Still kinda bummed Tati closed her makeup line though,that palette remains a favorite. The formulas are soooo good.

He’s enjoying it. He doesn’t care if you don’t like it. He likes it. Make of that what you will.

I’d break up, but at the very least, stop having sex with him. All the time, or in the moment - he tells you to shut up? Calls you a bitch? “I told you to stop doing that” and get up. Leave. No more sexy times for a dude who can’t listen.

It always reminds me of the art in the Scary Stories to Tell in the Dark books - sketchy, shadowy, and creepy.

I’m not a mom, but I’m middle aged and I’ve been through this. It can be overwhelming and scary but you’re making the right choice for you and your future. Stock up on your favorite snacks so you can stay home and relax after. It’s gonna be okay.

Like three-ish months into the relationship his car got repossessed. Should have been a sign he was shit with money and I’d end up funding 75% of our relationship.

The Dells is definitely full of cheesy tourist garbage,but there’s also some gems, and it’s just a fun place to go.

Little niche but the Wisconsin Dells ducks tours. They use “ducks” - boats(? Vehicles) that run on land and water - from WWII to take you around the city and the lake. The scenery is really pretty and it’s cool to learn about the history of the area and the ducks themselves. Also, you stop for ice cream!


It’s normal for her to be a little curious, but this is way past “a little.” She’s fixated on it & you for some reason. Does Caleb ever shut her down or does it always fall on you?

Oooof, that is BAD. And her poor scalp is so red & irritated looking too.

Honestly this is almost exactly what happened with the Try Guys sub after the Ned cheating scandal broke. There was like a week of anger/memes/jokes/etc. but then stuff started getting deleted and locked down and you couldn’t even mention Ned’s name. Another parallel I’ve noticed is anytime there’s a possibly negative post in the snark sub, there’s an overly positive or excited one in the main.

I’m sad but not shocked by this - they’ve been absent from each other’s IGs for quite some time and ignoring comments asking about it. which is fine! I get wanting privacy! It’s just been giving off a Vibe.

In theory I like them - it seems like a way for the guys to be like hey, we aren’t totally bullshitting you, other people have (supposedly) had experiences here! Let’s see if we do too!

But in practice it’s just kind of...boring? Shane clearly believes none of it, and then they spend like 10 minutes half-assedly trying to recreate whatever happened. It’s more interesting to me if the try to have their own experiences, or if they go to an area with activity to see what they find.

I bet they got a LOT of garbage submissions - not necessarily people trying to screw with the, (though I’m sure there were a few), but tons of blurry/grainy photos & videos that are nothing sinister or paranormal but they desperately want to believe are so they get featured by their favorites. Like omg look there’s a face in the window, no clearly that’s your reflection haha.

The Wojtek episode is one of my favorite episodes of anything - I rewatch it every so often and I always recommend it when talking about weird trivia. It’s so good!