Every time I see a woman being the unreasonable party, no matter how egregiously assholeish they are, someone will drop in to ask if the OP has done their job as the man in the relationship and explained the sum of human morality and ethics like they’re a child who needs education.
GRINDS MY GEARS to no end when, in the name of supporting women, people argue from the position that we are too emotionally weak to hear dissenting opinions, that we don’t know our own minds well enough to realize we could get our precious lady feelings hurt by the questions we ask, and that a man’s job is to be our guide to adulthood, pay our bills, educate us “gently”, and be the responsible party for our oopsies.

Yeah we buy strawberries weekly in this house and even with a toddler eating half a pint each day, it's still a race against the mold clock. And once one goes, that's it, you have to deal with them that day.

The OXO brand fruit containers with a carbon filter work really well, though, as long as you wash the fruit first.

One car length is averaged at 15 feet; even 30 feet of distance would not have given enough reaction time to anyone else on the road. You’d have to be leaving something like 100ft (actually, probably 300ft presuming you’re not trying to lock your brakes completely like this asshole) between cars to be able to account for the reaction and braking time needed to come to a complete stop at 75mph.
I wish people would leave that amount of space, but traffic laws and driving rules are not based around what the most insane person on the road might try to get up to on any given day.

:lib: - Lib-Center

I like that it had a name, and that he viewed it as one of his most effective diplomacy tools. It’s up there with manhandling the Canadian ambassador over a speech he didn’t like.
JUMBO 2024.
Make America Girthy Again.

Would he be justified in acting and speaking exactly the way his wife did if it was a thong?

:lib: - Lib-Center

Is it the weapons? Or is it the violent response?
The latter is a part of nature; no animal has the instinct to accept their inevitable death when a predator shows up. And since we’re something of an apex predator ourselves, we have that ape instinct to fly out of the tree and fight back. This would have ended with the dudes limbs being ripped from his body and his face being worn as a mask if Joe Rogan got his wish for an Ape uprising.
If it’s the fact that some dude tried to rob a place (or, perhaps “felt like he needed to extract capital by force”), that happens even in economically prosperous nations with great social services. As my ex-con brother says, people will do shit just to do it. There were dudes in there for stabbing someone just because they wanted to stab someone. There are dudes in there who will crack someone’s skull for you in exchange for four packs of ramen noodles and two bags of coffee, or even just because they’re in a charitable mood.

Can’t let facts get in the way of an opportunity to scold people. It’s the Reddit way.

Yeah I'm generally pro-independence when it comes to teenagers, because never allowing them to make a mistake creates dependent adults, at best, and people who cannot accept there are consequences to actions AND inaction at worst.

But $20k in scholarships gone because of not checking an email? yeah I'm going to make damn sure everything is being checked and triple checked because it's the difference between my kid going to college and graduating, and having to drop out over money. I would be on it because I know that, as a parent, I want my kid to be able to go to college on schedule and with minimal issues, and because I don't want to have to scramble with them to get a loan to cover it. I can't imagine being so checked out of my kid's life that they lose their scholarship and my response is "lol drop out or get a loan".

I'd rather my kid thought I was being overly anxious and anal over paperwork than let them think I just didn't give a damn at all. My hope is that every question I ask is answered with "of course I already did that, Mom, stop annoying me about it", because that tells me I've done my job.

Economic issues stunting people's flow of fun money, for one. Burning Man is a pricey endeavor and a massive time sink for something that is, at the end of the day, camping in the desert. Two tickets and a VP is already hitting $1k, and even though I have pretty much an entire camp in my garage, I still have to account for travel costs, gas, consumables, etc.

We were knocked out of our routine by covid, because "definitely next year" turned into "maybe one day?" when I had to look at the time away from the kids, the cost, the logistics, the physical stress, etc. I think a major part for a lot of those sitting it out is from that routine being forcibly disrupted for a couple years.

If your default annual plan is two weeks in BRC, finding yourself forced to sit at home made a lot of people reassess their participation and contemplate whether they were doing it because they LOVE it, every single time, or just because it's what they do every August. FOMO hit and it wasn't the end of the world, so maybe I don't need to drop $5000 and all of my vacation time on this one thing every single year, you know?

I also know several people who have just moved on to an entirely different event or events, often chock full of other burners doing the same thing.

ITT: no you don’t understand, I DESERVE the chance to argue about why you should date me, because all of your reasoning against it is stupid and wrong.
Oh, and a bit of “actually yes, I DO want the other person to tell me the weird inherent quality of mine that they found repellent and gave them the ick”.

Off the top of my head, menu items could stand to be more descriptive, but that really goes for almost every restaurant these days. It can be frustrating for less adventurous eaters to find out that they’ve mistakenly ordered something made from organ meats, or something they didn’t realize was going to be spicy, or a noodle dish that comes out cold, for example. To someone familiar with the food, it seems simple, but I imagine sitting down in an American restaurant as a tourist and seeing something like “fried sweetbreads” on the menu with no description. If I didn’t already know that sweetbreads were NOT a pastry of some sort, I might order that as a treat and find myself eating cow pancreas for dinner.
Also, some people go in not knowing that you are expected to grill your own meats for certain meals until the platter of raw galbi is on the table in front of them, because the menu seems to rely on the assumption that ordering those items means you understand that you will be cooking it. Personally, I didn’t know that was even an option until I lived in Korea because the Korean restaurants I’d been to didn’t have the inset grills for customers to use; they would just prepare everything to order in the kitchen.
Reading the menu of a local restaurant now, I think their format of “Hyumitgui -grilled sliced beef tongue” and “Yukgaejang -spicy beef soup with vegetables” is clear and informative enough for the average person to understand what they’re ordering if they’ve never had it before.

You can look at Australian suicide rates since 1996 if you want an actual answer to that.

:lib: - Lib-Center

Vietnamese cholo culture making a lot more sense right now.

I suppose this site is known for its well-considered and evidence-based approaches to people's moral quandaries. I, for one, am confident that a bunch of 14 year olds on summer break will be able to elegantly navigate the complexities of funerary practices and hierarchies of grief as they intersect with the dynamics of blended families in the wake of a tragedy.

:lib: - Lib-Center

It worked in Iran and others until some cheeky interventions pushed the pendulum back.
Hardline religious leadership is the barrier now, serving as an effective point of control over a population that seems like it would prefer a more secular government, but also feels obligated to support their culture in the face of western pressures against it.
It’s a catch-22 for the average ME person because it’s a false dilemma presented by the media from all sides; either you want to be ruled by a hateful terroristic theocracy that keeps you in the Stone Age, according to western media, or you want to completely erase your cultural identity and have your children spit on your traditions and deny your religion, according to conservative ME media.
Porn and fast food are effective, but soft pressure and cultural exchange is more effective when the leadership isn’t hell bent on rejecting inevitable change.

I LOVE the people who come back and edit their judgment due to finding out they’re dogging on whichever woman came off as the man in the relationship. It’s such reductive gender-essentialist bullshit and I wish more posts were intentionally vague with gender because of it.
I did like that the gender-swapped version (I’m convinced that is the one about running off while unpacking their home because OP’s sister was in premature labor) was ruled TA because it’s “just” premature labor when the important task of unpacking boxes is at hand, but not when you’re going on a nonrefundable trip.

Victims of what? Of whom? Society that oversexualizes children and exposes them to adult behavior before they have the mental capacity to understand the context of their actions?
Because if it’s just a “gestures broadly at the state of things”, then why would anyone focus on that when it doesn’t have anything to do with the actual issue? OP can’t un-trouble the kid and set her on the right life path that would not end with burned bridges and brain death in adulthood.

Even just seeing the phrase Coke Nail conjures up the image of my dad’s old friend called “Count”, a man who looked like blade if he weighed about 120lbs at 6’2”, and affected the character of a scary 80s pimp who thought he was a vampire, complete with freaky-ass blue contacts and a habit of just standing there and staring at people.
Yeah, no way in hell would I date a dude with a Coke nail, though at the end of the day Count was actually pretty cool, lol.

Same with my mom. Her bio mom was a nice Catholic girl from Illinois who was sent down to a home in Mississippi. CC ran quite the adoption racket, and also liked to provide erroneous background data on the bio parents as well as fudging birth certificates by providing incorrect dates and birthplaces.

You’ve gotten some conflicting info and this is like one of my special interest things at this point, so allow me to info dump real quick.
Texas does have medical marijuana, and there are “green docs” that have the ability to issue a prescription. The list of conditions is rather restrictive, so this isn’t like the early days of med cards in other states where you could get a card for the vaguest of complaints like “sometimes my neck hurts when I sleep too long”.
Your prescription will be for a total amount of THC. For example, mine was around 3500mg for a 1:1 THC-CBD mix, and 3000mg for only THC. You take this prescription to one of the MMJ providers here, such as Compassionate Cultivation or Goodblend (these are Austin companies), and place your order through them. They verify your prescription and then you can choose from a variety of gummies, tinctures, or lozenges- no flower or concentrate that can be smoked. These come in at the usual dispensary strengths for normal edibles (no 1000mg cheeba chews, and honestly thank god for that, lol), so you’d have something like “5mg lozenge x3 daily, 20mg 1:1 tincture as needed” for a script.
So you can easily spend your days comfortably numb, just not from a joint or vape (unless it’s THCA).

I’ll save my TED talk on THCA and “hemp D9” that I’ve titled “it’s the SAME DAMN THING AS REGULAR WEED, for CHRISTS SAKE” for another post, but a snippet I’ll provide is: D9 THC gummies from head shops are the same as a D9 gummy at a dispensary in Colorado, and you’d be surprised at what is actually legal now due to the farm bill and it’s weird math on THC content.

I’ve priced out a DIY hogwire fence that will span a 35 foot straight line, one gate, at around $500 for materials alone.
Then there’s the matter of digging fence posts, which is either easy because you own an auger or have decent soil, or it’s a nightmare because you are sitting on a hardened clay and limestone mixture above bedrock. Try digging 3 foot deep holes in that in a perfectly straight line. Then there’s mixing the concrete properly, running your string lines at level, setting the posts and letting the concrete cure while you hope nothing shifts or settles weirdly. Then onto stretching the fencing, which is nearly impossible to do solo with experience, much less as a first time DIY.
Most people who live in the suburbs don’t want to have a fence that would look more appropriate surrounding a post apocalyptic shanty, so the suggestions that OP must build some chicken wire barrier that WILL look like shit and won’t keep a dog out are just silly. OP has not needed a fence prior to this dog being given free rein. It’s absurd that OP has to take on any financial responsibility for something when there is a legal remedy in place for nuisance dogs, aka animal control.

And yet the ONLY threat to the garden in reality is the dog. Not phantom deer, rabbits, or stray cows. The dog.
Why is it so important for OP to care more about the neighbors dog than the neighbor does?

It’s bizarre and childish to act like that in a relationship, much less a marriage, but I’m not surprised that a gaggle of teenagers would act like OOP did something wrong; they’re mentally the same age as the wife is here.
Like I’m trying to imagine going up and standing there like a doofus, observing my partner being flustered and trying to escape, and then getting mad that they didn’t prolong the conversation so I could make my claim on them known. Might as well go up and grab their dick and say “he’s mine!” while growling like some horny TikTok alpha roleplay cringe, lol.