All Underworlds band will be legends, you will have rules if you do not play competitively… but legend were often bad. Also still playable in Warcry

If I do the parallel with 40K: - Nighthaunt are similar to playing Slaneesh Chaos daemons without greater daemon (moving fast, teleporting and dealing mortals) with a 4+ invulnerable … additionally you have lot of tricks on debugging opponents on charge. To be said, they have one of the most enjoyable Battle Trait in v4. It’s a string army that can choke opponent but fragile against saturation.

  • FEC are more unique… maybe Genestealer Cult is the closest as both have pathetic lore 🙂‍↕️. You can play either Ghouls swarm, MSU elite or Monster Mash. All models are new with grotesque horror aesthetic.

As death factions both have resurrection mechanisms and have weak shooting (but shooting is weak in 4th whatever)

I don’t think it will be released with dual boxes, it was not a great success in AOS and it will be too expensive for seasonal. I rather bet on having new spearhead boxes coming along with each codexe and yearly book coming along general handbooks

Does it means that you can only include 1 warmaster or if you have many you must chose one among them as general?

1 k game are hard to balance in Soulblight but your list have some problems : You are too elite & you miss some synergies

  • WK on steed works with Black Knight, better to pick a regular WK or Vampire Lord to boost your Grave Guards
  • Without vampire hero you miss your subfaction ability
  • you need more meat & movement , you would remove Vargheist for summonables

All this comments are only relevant if you keep playing 3rd edition. In 4th you will have vampire heroes are less mandatory but Grave Guards are unified and only the defensive version remains.

Closer to Aeldari, Sylvaneth: You have some excellent wizard like Alarielle or Warsong, strike and fade with Gossamid archer, "wraith" like with Durthu / Treelords

Closer to Ad Mec, Karadron: SteamPunk look. Lot of move, mid-range shooting

Closer to Deathwatch, Stormcast Vanguards (old range but still cool)

It's actually kind for opponent to know which models have ruination chamber rule.


Grandhammer, on a 8+ charge => 41% chance

Shield, 3 models => 42% chance
6 models => 66% chance

THIS is very bad

For cheaper than a full dominion, it's better to get Spearhead box or a Stormdrake Guard box ;)

Skaventide (trade the skaven half against another stormcast half to double Prossecutors & liberators) & a box of stormdrake guard is better

Still good to build a cool Warcry band ☺️

Astral Templars weren’t in 3rd edition box. They were in Vanguard start collecting / Vanguard battleforce / vanguard Warcry boxes

Only 1 hero & 3 units: Lord Aquilor, Vanguard Hunters, Paladors, Raptors

Tzeench, Seraphon or Lumineth are good choice for magical hammers and beating everything else at magic. At this level you can add Nagash list in any death faction

Sylvaneth, Soulblight or Slaanesh are also strong choice to have most heroes wizards, more a support magic but will have harder time to cast against the previous.

DoK, StD, Skaven, Kruelboyz or Stormcast are nice to have a strong monster wizard as a central piece while your list isn’t magical focused

Only good answer is to wait a week or 2 for the index.

From the reveal we know that GW will push for 4 archetypes: 1. deathrattle: so necromancer, wight king (on steed), skeletons, black knight & grave guards... Nagash? 2. vampire elite: vampire lord (on zombie dragon) blood knight, vargheist & askurgan trueblade, likely lead by Manfred, Vhordrai or Lauka Vai 3. zombies: zombies, wolves, Vyrkos stuffs 4. vampire wizards: likely jack of all trade, lead by Legion of Blood stuff. 5. Not a battle formation but depending on their point maybe an heroic monster mash... I have a furious envy to play Lauka Vai along with Radukar the beast when I read their warscroll :D

It can gives you clues on which units will work together but we don't know what will be good or even fun.

Note that you can have only one WARMASTER per list and they must be your general, so Lauka Vai, Manfred, Neferata, Prince Vhordrai & Belladama cannot be in the same list (assuming alls will keep warmaster, we are only sure for Lauka Vai)... But Laukai Vai & Vhordrai can also be played as generic Vengorian Lord or Vampire Lord on Dragon Zombie

There is a drop in lethality + "free" manifestations. All in all, it would not change much the units on the table at round 3 :)

Not that.

Giving strike last on a 8+ charge is bad for grandhammer.

Shield giving strike last on being charge is bad except if reinforced.

Sadly I don’t think annihilators will be cheap cause they probably don’t want stupid BM spam on drop we saw at end of v3… I don’t think we will see much annihilators. Questor Soulsworn and new prosecutors are our infantry hammers for this edition.

From battle ready speed paint for troops to tabletop+ for heroes.

Only Slaanesh can reach perfection. We are just poor hedonists

Would not start CoS Duardin, CoS Aelves or Ogor right now: they are all candidates to a big refresh when their codex will come. Otherwise safest is what you like the most from aesthetics and gameplay point of view

Army composition reveal for 4th

Without costs we cannot answer but Annihilator's warscrolls are not great for 4th. But if cheap enough reinforced shield annihilator can be useful for castle lists... If cheap enough grandhammers are a solid stat block

Ogor was the chipest in v3: 2 Vanguard and you get a 2k army.

Kruelboyz was pretty cheap also if you have access to Stormbringer, you have all the main kits for 10-20€ each.

That's the only 2 you can build a viable 2k for less than 250€

Just cover the gold with 2 thin coats of sotek green (for classic Celestial Vindictor) - while a layer it is quite opaque - or Incubi Darkness (for more grim dark Celestial Vindictor scheme). This will be your base coat.
In general, no problem to cover gold with any base.