My win 4 replaced my Steam deck as my travel device. The sd is so bulky in a backpack and as its thicker than a laptop its a nuisance. The win4 isnt as comfortable for me in hand held mode but its perfect on a plane and it works super well with a 14" usb c monitor I have a portsble machine. Its still leighter than my 14" laptop and playable on planes etc

It is a problem with linux gaming unfortunately that some anti cheats get triggered.

I think the trick was they would make a fortune off the dial up internet subscription.

When I went to college they had a blistering 1mb connection that I downloaded all my patches onto a zip disk for enjoyment at home.

Hotels near the airport in Indy are fine too

As if you'd need to go to such efforts

If you want a car thats just a monolithic unchanging thing get one of those 90s/00s toyotas. Last forever. Pity its just not the same now.

My house is full of 256 sds so yeah they aren't too pricy at least

"What will it be, sexual trauma or regular trauma?"

Tbh, the steamdeck in its case is so bulky, its almost the same as carrying a laptop when travelling.

Not sure if was a swerve but target fixation is a thing also, people stare and get distracted at things going on at the side of the road and next thing they are driving right at them

Wheres the gatcha waifu games, thats where its really at in android gaming.

What else are you supposed to replace your now dead fold 4 with? A weedy small phone that will actually last??

Well the strategy was to wreck everything and blame the next winners in the general election. The competiton managed to tank themselves even harder though so now its a bizzare race to the bottom

Pro tip, screw end credits. Tell yourself you will watch it on youtube after. 9 times of ten I dont bother.

Dot matrix still seems like a perfectly valid kind of printing in certain use cases. But printing a 300 page report probably is rage inducing

I feel for them, but a landlord will get 100 applications within 10 minutes of listing something on daft, they wont be checking signs.

Thing is, back at the time the PS1 was CD based, new games were slightly cheaper than n64 carts while later on in its life there were alot cheaper ps1 games.

So to put it another way most 90s n64 owners were also going to own a lot less games due to the cost vs ps1 games.

It was the T618 laster year and Rk3288 before. I reckon its 5 years at least before we find a warehouse with cheap chips that can do ps2.

Yeah if your going to the east coast its like a 6 hour flight, not really long enough to justify a business class flight or at least getting pampered. Its nice to sleep on the red eye but you still only get 4 hours sleep.

So yeah its way more bang for your buck on a 13 hour flight

Opening the door probably was the deciding factor alright, but in America he would still have gotten a medal rather than a conviction.

The media has a fascination with these small houses - obviously because the price attacts attention. Reality is allowing this kind of stuff is how you get shanty towns and dangerous buildings, not up to code. Living in a shipping container on gravel miles from a town might be appealing if its rent free for a while but it just descends into misery as you get older and more people do it.

More importantly, why can't a wealthy western nation not provide affordable housing for its people, proper homes built on proper infrastrucute. Building this crap is admiting defeat.