The only one that doesn't do this is either Aldi which is in an inconvenient spot and I've had bad experiences w their produce, or whole foods


I mean, you can't say "I'm exhausted, in pain, stressed, and if some office dweller tells me how to do my job one more time, I'm making the Troubles look like a joke" openly.

2018 KTM 1290 SAR

There's a stretch of the freeway near where I live where I've never seen someone going below 85 in the 65 zone. But there's no hideyholes for tax harvesting, so it goes unenforced.

It's not about the interaction as much as it's about them doing shit like tossing bread under a gallon of milk or being incapable of scanning a box of eggs for 3 minutes.

2018 KTM 1290 SAR

The tax extortion thing is pretty obvious. Let people get adjusted to the designed speed, then 'yknow what, nah, we're gonna plant like 3 bushes the size of a car'

I'm all in favor of traffic calming, but there's a gap a mile wide behind calming and 'let's do barely enough to milk some tax revenue'.

2018 KTM 1290 SAR

Roads are designed to be driven at a certain speed, deemed by the engineers in question as safe.Mine in question is basically dead straight, with a gradual incline and decline as it crests a hill.

Legislative felchers whine and bitch and hammer the limits down so they can pretend to care about public safety.

Edit: if you want to read some white papers about it, look up '85th percentile speed'.

2018 KTM 1290 SAR

The GSX8R is a better bike for almost anything than a nightster in any other way than "it's a Harley", and maybe rolling for 300 miles a day.

2018 KTM 1290 SAR

From the sound of things, you have a poor quality tank of fuel.

Drain and refill.

2018 KTM 1290 SAR

Anti-corrosion, God knows how long it's gonna sit on the shelf, if it's gonna get rained on, what conditions it'll be stored in...

It's better to have grease to remove with a paper towel and brake cleaner in 30 seconds than a ton of bad press because "X-plus disc locks have no corrosion resistance, it came rusted to hell!"

2018 KTM 1290 SAR

for some stupid reason the speed limit is 30 mph and its monitored constantly

It's monitored constantly because they deliberately set the speed limit that comically low to try to extort more money out of people. In my town there's a long, straight road. Smooth pavement, clear sight lines. Set the speed limit to 60mph. A lot of people go 65 because eh, it's five over. Reasonable for the road. Gave it a few years.

One day, construction crews come through, plant bushes, speed limit is slammed down to 50 and half of the local tax collectors are along that road at any given time. I wonder who got upside down on a new S-class to justify that decision.

My experience has been that if I can make it past Doris whose best knowledge of engineering is that thing those weirdos on the other side of this floor do I have a >85% chance of getting the job.

Bruh delete that or make an nsfw account like a civilized adult lmao

Dukes have an integrated side mirror mount in their clutch levers. One complex part is often cheaper for mass production than two slightly simpler ones. There's no point in replacing it. Just find a flat screw that threads in and run it in, it'll cover the hole, and you'll forget about its presence.

If you really need to replace it you can maybe use the same generation RC390's clutch lever perch. I wouldn't recommend it because there's no guarantee it'll fit, but... eh.

If you mean the ball post inboard of that, it's a RAM ball mount- used for camera and phone mounts.

I remember after the Panam scene, my V got out of the tank and had a serious conversation, only to look down and see him freeballing.

To be fair most doctors will give you 'eat more greens, work out more, now gtfo' for three months before they take anything less than a gunshot wound with a modicum of gravity

Luck is luck. Don't conflate hard work with 'daddy's friend needs an underling in a bullshit job'

I meant for Walgreens specifically, and yeah 20-minute is a gross understatement for a massive pharmacy chain, but I imagine the time it'd take paying a few guys to develop and deploy this would pay off compared to how much time pharmacists take bouncing this around.

Because some felcher complained about the dead straight for 20 miles road having 'races' 30 years ago, or they planted trees and realized they have more hidey holes for revenue extractors so they slammed the limit from below the designed speed down to a comically low number.

Because I know I'm going to be shot and labeled a domestic terrorist lmao

Hella convenient for when a doctor or psych doesn't wanna do their job.