At this point I'd take bots over real players at least they knew how to base when they're low instead of going full rogue

With this much cards Spain going to play with 2nd team on finals lmao

One thing about baldie is he is consistent at being shit

Deserved for subbing both their best flankers, now they had nobody to counter German's highline


It's not like they're out of budget or something like that, I doubt it tbh

They were imploding either way, this time with strawberry flavors.

Idk why people expect them to get significantly better immediately, so little prep time and stage vs rank should have a different atmosphere anyway.

Italy has their pass intercepted so many times and yet the first substitution was for their striker lmao

80+ mins chance where Chiesa was running with the ball then he stops as he shouts pretty much sums up the game, the team had no intention to win at all

Honestly if it wasn't for Donarumma the scoreline would be already 3-0 for Switzerland, they fkin own Italy's midfield

Idk where to stare at this angle, everything is absolutely perfect

She spiked the hardest on mid game imo, when late game fight came she kinda fell a bit

Sama aja ya kayak kasus sebelumnya yang isilop bakal cari orang yg bikin gaduh karena institut mereka ketauan busuknya

6-0 to Klopp' Liverpool as MU, life imitates art I guess


Stoppable Force vs Movable Objects, is the word I would say if I were to describe the match

Losing Stax surely hurt them because their mid rounding was horrendous, a very one dimensional attack side without any B plan

Makanan, indo cuisine cocok banget sama lidah gw yg demen makanan medok gitu

Ini masih nyambung sama banyaknya visa ilegal juga gak ya? soalnya belakangan ini banyak yg naik haji gak pake paspor haji, thus leading to some activities diluar jam normal yang pastinya gak optimal dan sehat

Any real difference between players or bots so I can identify them earlier? Like their profile picture for example on Pokemon Unite they would all use the same pose if they're a bots

Well if I got an offer to be cyber security which paid a lot of money, while doing less than a full-time streamer I'd take it too

They fell a lot in the first half as well whenever they tried to counter attack, but I guess it made sense if the grass was wet somehow