To add to this, OP is in a BETTER position to buy a house than before. Why did they have to start tightening the belt now, after they received a gift of money they didn’t have before? It certainly sounds like there is some punishment going on.

This is the best way, now that I read it. I have had moments on pure frustration where in that exact moment I had thought “I wish I didn’t have kids” but I never would actually consider not having them in my life. It’s just that awful experience when you are dead tired, things aren’t working out at all, and you are alone…

Used to be full of funny posts and updates, now it is non-stop gripe-fests about ridiculous things.


You gotta tie a better link than that. Stock buy backs can be tied to problems, but you have to actually show the link to make a good argument. Let alone be considers for best of.

Reminds me of the best of from a few years ago - the super up vote.

The post refers to plans, but doesn’t say anything about tickets to a specific event at a certain time. That could change things.

A last minute (re: spontaneous) trip out to do something is not a problem, especially with a brother you rarely see. The problem would be the irresponsible nature of getting so drunk he became unresponsive, either physically or via the usual means of contact. The posts to which I was referring were comments along the lines of it being disrespectful for him to let OP worry or to not write - I say that is not automatically disrespectful in certain cases but is 100% irresponsible.

I am going to take a slightly different perspective from several other responses. First off, it is not an overreaction to be pissed off. He should have written. However, I don’t think it is automatic disrespect, particularly if too much alcohol was involved. Irresponsible? 100%. But it wouldn’t be an immediate or intentional slight against you. You’ll just need to remind him that you expect to be kept in the loop when his plans change against the original communication, drunk or not.

Not a prepper, but in some dystopia I would totally bargain for takis (or something else that is spicy and practically never expires).

I am not an expert, but this guy felt like a pro. Tried to deescalate. Made sure to keep his partner safe and give him clear instructions. After shots fired checked on fellow cops, the lady, and even the suspect. He kept a level of calm that I think would be hard to keep in such a situation.

Maybe I am wrong, but I feel like this should be more the norm than what else you see all the time.

Plus saying I don’t know what happened, my body was on autopilot. That’s a complete lack of acceptance of her own decisions. If she said that to him, I couldn’t expect anything less than feeling insulted.

Honest question - wouldn’t it be kind of weird for any hookups to know the toy was maybe previously used by the last hookup, or am I overthinking this?

Watches a guy do eggs Benedict (mostly) from scratch. The ham and eggs were all store bought, but poaching and hollandaise sauce were all done by him on the fly. It was delicious!

I have kids and agree with another comment here, that the mother should have asked her kid to keep space at least some space (no touching) so as to not infringe on your personal space. But if you had then said “it’s ok,” all bets are off! Until sometime later when, if it were me, I would’ve told my kid it was time to give you space.

As a parent I feel the need to ensure my kid can have healthy interactions and certainly let appreciate the opportunity for those healthy interactions to be with other people as long as they respect those other person.

This is a problem with this sub. The mods need to intervene in my opinion to ensure the top responses give actual explanations. Otherwise it isn’t explain the joke, it’s join the joke.

This is very interesting. The Philippines is exactly where I had my first experience of the dive master assuming everyone was doing their own thing. He made no formal announcement but I sort of picked up on it as he was giving a briefing. It then became very apparent as everyone splintered off on their own. It was a very strange experience for me, highlighting what you said above - there can be very different dive cultures where you are and you need to both ask questions in advance and be ready to sustain yourselves (you and your dive buddy).

This has to be fake. This has to be rage-bait, right? There is no way OP was so damn obtuse after all the responses received on the original post.


This was one of my most important learning when cooking for myself. I would always think I was missing something when food would seem to burn and I couldn’t get that awesome golden color to show. Once I realized that 4-5 is already often high for my electric range, my cooking improved significantly. Anything above is for water, as you said, or rapid heating if I need to warm up quickly.

Honestly, option 3 is stay on course. Does it kind of suck on high difficulties? Sure. But that’s the point. They are impossible and then helldive as a description, which means this is supposed to be madness and with higher failure rates. 7 is perfectly manageable with decent movement. 8 and 9 are meant to be possible failure/frustrating to a degree.

The easier answer is to drop back to the level where you are comfortable.

Because OP also has to keep in mind/know that trying for a baby does not always mean a baby is there on the first try. Trying for a baby can be months (or even years) of attempts!

On a completely different note and because I haven’t looked into this for many years - I had in mind that the science says formula is not going to hinder the development of a baby but that breastfeeding is still beneficial if it can be done safely/comfortably? Is that not the science anymore?

Another take on this good advice - take a portion and invest that with the adviser. Then invest another portion yourself. This can be as simple as mirroring exactly what the adviser is doing to branching out a little on your own. Even if you simply mirror what the adviser is doing you will be saving on fees.

Retire from the helldivers? This post sounds like treason!