North Park

I did talk to the manager and mentioned they needed to wash the fruit. It didn't seem to change anything.

If they want to follow up I check my DMs here.

North Park

they use the peels for people's drinks. that's gross.

and i think you're gross too if you think that's fine.

Bar tender at Lou and Mickeys did something gross

tl;dr - bar tender dropped a lemon on the ground. it rolled to a pretty high traffic part of the restaurant where all the guests walk in to pass by the bar. It got picked up and put it back in the bowl without being washed. It was one of the lemons used to peel to put in peoples drinks. He didn't wash it or the other bar fruit it touched.

I'm not usually one to complain about a place but this was particularly egregious and I feel like people should know about it because it's a public health thing.

Went there for food/drinks the other night. I don't go there often but I do like the place.

I watched the bar tender drop a lemon. It was from the basket for peeling to garnish drinks.

The lemon fell, rolled in the area that is highest trafficked from people that have been walking around Gaslamp. That's a lotta feces and urine on people's shoes. It's also worth noting a few years ago we even had a hepatitis outbreak due to how absolutely disgusting our sidewalks are.

A server picked it up, handed it to the bar tender, and the bartender looked back and forth to see if anyone was watching and put it back in the fruit basket without cleaning.

I told our server who flagged down a manager. They acknowledged that it was gross, but also they didn't wash the fruit either. So the other bar fruit didn't get washed and it took a long time for them to remove the offending lemon and I'm pretty sure it got used in a drink.

After there was a hepatitis outbreak due to filthy sidewalks in SD I think that's wildly unacceptable. I'm still kind of grossed out by it a few days later.

And fwiw - i've worked in restaurants/bars before. I know bar fruit is gross and I assume some risk from it just constantly getting handled by people. But that was pretty revolting.

We’re Bloomberg Law reporters covering what’s next on Chevron Deference. AMA!
We’re Bloomberg Law reporters covering what’s next on Chevron Deference. AMA!

Hi, Reddit! Courtney Rozen and Robert Iafolla here. 

Courtney covers President Biden for Bloomberg Government. She often writes about constraints on the power of the US presidency.

Robert is a senior legal reporter at Bloomberg Law, where he covers labor and employment law, including court review of regulations and other agency actions.

We’re here to answer your questions about the Supreme Court’s ruling in Loper Bright v. Raimondo. The court eliminated a 40-year-old court precedent known as Chevron deference, a doctrine that empowered federal regulators to interpret unclear laws. The decision will fundamentally reshape the power of future presidents to regulate the environment, financial sector, and the workplace. For President Biden, the decision will affect his plans to pardon student debt, crack down on so-called “junk fees,” and curb climate change, among other priorities.

What would you like to know about the Supreme Court’s decision? Ask away. We'll start answering questions at 11:30 a.m. ET.



Thanks for all your great questions! Remember that all of this will be more clear after more litigation—these rulings are classic “full employment for lawyers” type of measures—and the default answer is always “it depends.” - Robert

Thanks so much for all your questions! You can reach me on LinkedIn. Talk soon! -Courtney


Do you think the dissent in Corner Post was accurate pointing out that any past agency decision can be reviewed?

If that's true what does that mean for companies trying to figure out where regulatory lines are actually drawn if the last 40 years of a predictable framework are gone?

Any new objection to any old rule must be entertained and determined de novo by judges who can now apply their own unfettered judgment as to whether the rule should be voided.

North Park

Happy cake day. :)


Is there something you're after here from the moderator? What do you want from me?

Because every comment seems to edge closer to "I should be able to use this instead of a therapist and I don't need to read the opinion" and that's something that'll get you banned.


I am telling you that you can talk about the decision in its entirety including the dissent. I am asking people that haven't read the dissent to stop reporting people talking about parts of it that make them uncomfortable hoping that I'll remove it.


I've already reached out to the admins about the spicy nature of the opinion today and its content. Obviously users themselves can't call for people to be harmed/executed. But if you're the president? Maybe!


There is one admin removed comment that I see. There are several removed comments from people trying to make top level comments that are basically just emotional reactions which isn't really what the sub is about.


Please stop reporting people using the Seal Team 6 example. It's literally in the dissent.

For clarity - you are allowed to talk about the dissent. I am asking those that keep reporting people commenting about it to stop doing that because I'm not removing it.

I tagged along for my wife’s work trip to SF and made a trip to SC. We didn’t have a ton of time so we basically walked in on a Tuesday right when they opened.

Martin Cate and his wife were standing in the bar looking exactly how they do in the book. I fan girled a little and got a selfie with Martin.

It’s a great spot. And the Cates are beyond nice.

I have experienced tear gas. There is absolutely no way that's tear gas. It's either fake to scare protestors or they bought a bunch of fakes where someone pocketed whatever the difference is.

I am also astonished at the level of effort they put into doing that completely wrong.

North Park

I wasn't able to connect with him in time but he sent a really nice message and I hope someone else was able to go.

I'll be in Petco this Sunday for Blink 182, at least. But I still want to check out a game this season. :)