cries with all my childhood friends who were run out of camas from the cost of living rising so much

I hear you. But just let the Californians come. Can’t really fight it lol

Even our family 30 ft scarcely gets used. We prefer tent camping or rooftop popup personally for our family

Jesus I’m just realizing how perfect this casting is. He is exactly right.

Lmfao my husband asked if I managed to still attend my local dems meeting last night via zoom, since he was called in to work late.

Why did he assume there was a realistic possibility for me to pop into a meeting with a two and four year old? Never mind it being the scheduled crisis hour of the day lol

Anyways. No. I don’t think you can even attend zoom meetings on mute very easily with toddlers.

slob kabob

Man I’m so sad about the state of the world. Best of luck with your dental work and all…. Just so damn frustrating to me that you and so many others are forced to pay so much for a necessity. Ugh.

slob kabob

That’s just nuts your dentist should just be able to finance a payment at a lower interest than your cc

Fkn….its Weekend at Bidens! He may be dead, but he’s still the life of the Democratic Party!

slob kabob

Right? Proper mix of ad and fun lol

We come here just for quick day trips! Great place all around for a visit

Sometimes I felt like people were lying to me when they said their toddler is eating! (Being dramatic but…sorta 🧐) my oldest has spent two years being very picky after starting off a good eater as a 1-2year old!

My kid ate everything! Then he turned two. Nada. He’s four, finally trying a couple of things out of the berries and noodles rotation again. Don’t worry, he has access to everything he really needs just like his brother… we make his plates the same as his brother (and Dr says “a full plate can be overwhelming! We try to remember that!)

…youngest is now two years old and still eating everything he’s given as I try not to hold my breath!

Can’t last long! I know! But I’m amazed at how different two looks for both of my boys! While the youngest leaps for joy at a handful of pistachios, the oldest sticks his nose out until you give him the raspberries he demands! (Babe, we don’t even have raspberries!!!)

slob kabob

and the poor kids have witness how wanted and cared for their cousins are their whole lives. Can you even imagine? Your entire life, waiting for a person to come home to you to show you they care, and all they get is hired help? God my heart breaks thinking about it

slob kabob

Pretty on brand of her to care more about her party decorations than her community getting rain in a drought

slob kabob

The last two episodes have been the most watchable of the season but Kim’s presence and edits have had absolutely zero change in quality. That almost negates the fact that it seems like everyone else in the family is making attempts at watchable content. Kylie included (yes I’m considering her bouncing the aspen trip, at least that was in line with what we expect out of her and we don’t have to suffer through more grating forced interaction with her)

Also, the music choice. What even is this. Disney and Kardashians money, and there can’t be a decent soundtrack? Decent ambience? Whoever’s making those kind of production choices needs to be fired straight up lol

Just letting you guys know, a random commenter has now committed to buying one with these rave reviews in mind. Lol

Love mine :) gonna get the recovery sliders next! Clifton’s have been amazing


His acting career has potential he hasn’t reached yet but god damn 🫠

slob kabob

The music is terrible! The talking is terrible! Kim’s voice is very clearly not her natural voice when she’s narrating, too, so why are they giving her those lines? I dont want to watch anymore and it’s like 80% because of Kim’s nail on chalkboard “thees week on the kaaaaardaaashiaaaaans”


Can I add to the fear thing? Because we dealt with the extreme end of tantrums and him testing boundaries. Eventually, we just had to have consequences. We take his toys out of his room when extreme behavior happens that we refuse to allow. When he turned four was when we started really putting that boundary in place. When we are out in public, I tell him his behavior will remove toys from his room if he keeps it up. We also watch a lot of Daniel Tiger and Bluey which gives us references that helps diffuse situations before it even gets there. But, there is “fear” there, and fear of consequences (losing toys) doesn’t necessarily have to be a bad thing. Gentle parenting is authoriative to a degree, it’s just gently done and in a manner that’s meant to diffuse the situation. Toys being taken is the absolute last measure after a gentle discussion (if possible).

2-4 is boundary testing territory, and honestly? Sometimes I wonder if we should have started sooner. I finally have the freedom to take my kids out again by myself. I have freedom to be in control of the situation at all times while everyone is safe and having a great time, because ultimately, I’m facilitating a fantastic environment for my kids and everyone around them.

It took us a bit of practice but we started taking toys out of our kids room when trying to instill manners once he turned four. I saw the behavior and entitlement starting to form and the bratty attitude forming was just not acceptable. Now, it’s a bit emotional, but it allows us some regulation time where if he was feeling frustrated it would keep bottling up and lead to a broken something with his toys. Threatening to take the toys allows the meltdown to just happen, and then we can catch those big feelings and work through them and see what unaddressed needs he’s got at that moment fueling the tantrum. Our toys live longer now!


Cmon, did any one else desperately wanna be Wendy?!? This movie was a turning point in my adolescence, and Jeremy Sumpter seems to have straight bowed out of the industry after haha

Omg my social media acquaintances who aren’t as avid readers are all just now finding this series. And falling in love. I’m having to reread the names all the time when I’m just innocently tapping my stories feed. Just make it stop!!! Please!!!! I cannot face the horrendous name choices again!!!! You cannot make me!!!!