Shawty fire burning on the dance floor

As soon as I accepted this quest I couldn’t find leeks anywhere

Although I did draw my farmer cutting the fish so touché

This is fair, I’m like that too lol. But since “cooking” anything in the game is like poof instant food, I don’t imagine the character actually going through a process of cooking.

True but this is video game logic. Everything fits in your pocket. And it takes 2 seconds to “cook” sashimi in the game. When I make sashimi in game I’m not imagining doing all the preparing, deboning, etc. Its like POOF sashimi. That’s why I thought it was funny haha. But I see what you’re saying for sure.

But he likes when you give him a flounder

My thought process was that in the game it takes like 2 seconds to turn carp into sashimi. But this is fair, the main thing is that he specifically “hates” carp but i slice it up and then he’s like ooo yum.

I also fell in love with this necklace but the price is insane for what it is.

Not good enough for the truth in cliche - escape the fate - “how’s it feel, when your tears freeze when you cry” frozen tears

Ok but hear me out Sebastian’s should be “not good enough for the truth in cliche” by escape the fate cause they say “how’s it feel, when your tears freeze when you cry” FROZEN TEARS. Ultimate emo song. Just sayin

Hoping it makes people laugh instead of jump scaring them

Sam in his winter outfit has me down bad.

Idk why people are downvoting you, its true lol. I knew if I didn’t marry seb he wouldn’t leave anyway. Its just a game anyways

Yes, she says she’s kind of glad he stayed because she would miss him and they’ve been close friends for a long time. Still made me feel bad tho lol. I agree with others that part of his story arc is that he kind of idealized the city and realized that’s not where he thinks he belongs, but I still feel bad cause I feel like a dream crusher. But it’s just a game! I have to remind myself that haha

YES thank you. I just said exactly this to someone who did this on my own post lmao