OAD By Choice

You can’t pour from an empty cup. Your child needs a happy and healthy mom way more than a sibling. ❤️

OAD By Choice

My brother was my first bully. I still remember the look on my first grade teacher’s face when I told her that my brother had choked me and called me pigzilla the day before.

OAD By Choice

Me too. The hormones are real making me want a second sometimes and then I see posts like this and remind myself how expensive one kid is and that life is good with one!

It doesn’t sound dumb, I didn’t know I needed one either until I read more about my pump. There’s a lot we don’t know about breastfeeding until someone tells us!

6/26/24 💙👶🏼

God I love crazy ex girlfriend

6/26/24 💙👶🏼

Haha I watched White Lotus while in labor so I could pretend I was in Hawaii and relax 😂

6/26/24 💙👶🏼

Gossip Girl (my nostalgia show)

The righteous gemstones

Curb your enthusiasm

Greys Anatomy

Apples Never Fall

Mom is way too obsessed with planning weddings for her oldest two daughters who aren’t engaged yet to the point she almost scares off two fiancés

Yeah she’s only like 2-3 months postpartum, I’m sure she’d rather be relaxing at home

6/26/24 💙👶🏼

Hey OP!

Whatever decision you pick is yours. People will find something to criticize (people love judging moms for no reason) so do what makes you feel comfortable.

I’m a week PP and I’m breastfeeding. I knew I wanted to try it but I also told myself I wouldn’t put pressure on myself if it was too emotionally draining. The first 2-3 days felt weird with getting the hang of it. Even though it’s natural, it’s not intuitive. Talk with the nurses and lactation consultants at the hospital, it makes a difference having someone to help you. I had one AMAZING nurse who helped me so much and got the little guy to latch and helped me with the feeding positions. Aeroflow has some good classes too!

I do have a pump for when I go back to work in September but right now I’m trying to do EBF until work starts up again. Then I’ll pump and breastfeed or do combo breastfeed and formula.

For me, it’s really nice to have the bonding experience and seeing your little one’s face while feeding warms your soul. For me, it hasn’t been creepy but that’s my experience. It’s really fun seeing his face right before he latches, he looks so excited. I do think it’s very special. Could be the hormones or not 😂

Labor, delivery, and being a mom changes you and you might be surprised how you feel afterbirth. A fed baby is the most important thing but you might enjoy breastfeeding your baby!

FTM, Team Green, June 2024!

I got induced and wore my glasses. I’m glad I did because labor was 27 hours and then I had to get a c section. I wear my glasses once a week and contacts the rest of the time

6/26/24 💙👶🏼

Our pack and play that’s a joint bassinet and changing station has been a godsend the last few days (baby born 6/26). We live in a townhouse so we wanted a changing and sleeping station on the second level (kitchen/living room) and one on the 3rd level where we sleep.

This is ours:

You can’t go home without a car seat but your BIL should test some out at a store before deciding. We have the Chicco KeyFit 35 for the other. The Chicco is super easy to use. It’s on sale on Amazon now ($206 for sale, $230 normally).

Link for Chicco:

6/26/24 💙👶🏼

I did a voluntary induction at 40+1. I was done being pregnant and wanted to meet them.

Labor was over 27 hours, ending with a c section. I got started with Foley balloon at 1pm on 6/25. By 4pm on 6/26, they said I needed a c-section. Little guy was born at 6:34pm on 6/26.

For more context: my water broke on its own at 15 hours, hit 8cm after 21 hours, and then I stayed at 8cm for 6 hours but my cervix started to swell and I stayed at 80% effacement. There was a scary moment right around 24 hours but I won’t detail that here.

The epidural was great and I was able to sleep a lot during labor.

I’m soaking up all the newborn cuddles with my son 💙

FTM, Team Green, June 2024!

Congrats on the pregnancy. I’m glad you and your wife are excited! I’m so sorry some random internet people wanted to take that away.

My husband has been amazing during pregnancy and the early postpartum days (little one arrived 6/26). I’ve changed 3 diapers, hubs has gotten the other 50 diapers since I’m nursing and recovery from a c-section. Yes, your wife is growing the baby but you’re a part of this too. Cheers and congratulations from this internet stranger who is very excited for you!

I hope you learn some good information about pregnancy and getting ready for baby on this sub. I also love going on r/daddit since there are tons of fun stories (some serious stuff too). r/newparents and r/newborns will be helpful in the 3rd trimester and obviously when baby comes!

I hope the pregnancy is easy for your wife, delivery goes smoothly, and that the two of you love parenthood.

FTM, Team Green, June 2024!

Sadly, my takeaway from pregnancy was people are rude and your body becomes public domain 🙃

My baby boy was born 6/26. I gained 25 lbs and baby was born at 40+2. I made it until 39 weeks when someone asked if it was twins. I even said moments before that I was due in a few days with my first kid. It was such a gut punch, especially since the person then said how big I was after. The whole pregnancy, I had been asked if I was eating enough and even my mother (who is the definition of an almond mom and highly critical of everyone’s body, especially mine), talked about how small I was.

But jeez, as much as the “wow you’re so small” and then the “oh is it twins?” comments bothered me, nothing was worse than all the comments about my baby being chunky. He was 9lbs 13 ozs at birth and 21.5 inches. Yes, that’s bigger than average but anyone who came into our room said something along the lines of “that’s a chunky baby” or “wow the other nurse/doctor wasn’t kidding.” This includes during the C-Section where basically every person in the room was talking about his size. Including the midwife who said “wow this baby is a lot bigger than we thought. The c section really was the right decision.”

Anyway some people need to learn manners and conversation topics other than body weight 😂

June 26, 2024 💙👶🏼

I had an unplanned c section last week and I wore a loose maternity dress home. I had maternity underwear as well which was comfy going over my scar and felt fine with the maternity pads.

The hospital gown is great immediately after. My C-section was around 6pm so I wore that the first night with baby. I had pajamas I wore the next day after my first shower. They were great for the hospital stay (button front cute ones from Target. Great for breast feeding). I wore the shorts a little high so it wasn’t touching my scar.

Maternity joggers are great too because it’s loose and above the incision cite, I wore those once I was home. I have some flowy dresses I’ve worn to the doctor as well.

Little man was born 6/26 by c section but loose dresses and maternity clothes are your friend 🙂

Good luck and have a speedy recovery!!

Our baby sleeps in a bassinet next to our bed. We’re in the US where it isn’t recommended to sleep in the same bed but same room is recommended

Halo or keababies

Link: KeaBabies 3-Pack Organic Baby Swaddle Sleep Sacks - Newborn Swaddle Sack, Ergonomic Baby Swaddles 0-3 Months, Swaddles for Newborns,Baby Sleep Sack, Baby Swaddle Blanket Wrap,Baby Essentials(Nordic)

Our little one is way too active in it 😂 it’s a daytime swaddle

I am so sorry for your loss. This must be unimaginably painful. Sending so much love to you ❤️

6/26/24 💙👶🏼

I had a huge baby and he can even wear NB! He was 9lbs and 13 oz at birth, 21.5 lbs. He is currently at 9 lbs. Newborns fit him well, 0-3 is big on him but not swimmingly big.

6/26/24 💙👶🏼

I had my little boy on 6/26. He’s a big baby (9lbs 13 is at birth. He’s at 9lbs now which the typical first week weight loss).

He can wear NB and it fits him well. His 0-3 stuff is loose but it’s easier for my husband to put on him.

I’d buy a few NB items before baby is here (we got a 3 pack of onesies at Marshall’s) and then see how big baby is. It’s easy enough to order something on Amazon if you need it.

You’ll quickly figure out which items are easy for baby to wear or what size they are so don’t over buy items. This will also depend on who is doing most diaper changes. For example, my husband loves this kind of onesie so I ordered more today. He likes that there’s no pulling up or down. He also likes that if baby is squirming around, he doesn’t have to worry about bending their legs through anything. He hates the typical onesie like this so you’ll see what you want more of and what you don’t want to use as much).

FTM, Team Green, June 2024!

Oh wow I hadn’t even thought of this as an issue 😂

I had my shower the end of April. I wore a green dress since we were team green. I just looked at a picture and one of my friends is wearing pink. I didn’t even think about gender colors, just that she looked nice! She was pregnant with a boy. Funnily enough, she wore blue to her baby shower for her daughter two years ago!

All this to say, wear whatever color you want!