bad bot

our team can’t afford to enter .... bruh you’re so lucky. I’d say take it as a learning experience!


SURVEY NOW CLOSED you can click on the link to see the results!

Hi all of r/Nurses! I would really appreciate if you would fill out this survey regarding hazard pay during this pandemic. I am a high school/community college pre-nursing student and will be using this information for a project in my English class. This survey doesn't collect any information and will be completely anonymous! I received approval from the moderators to post this here. I've posted this to r/nursing and r/StudentNurse, so if you've seen it there and already filled it out please disregard. Reply with any questions you have, and thanks for taking the time to read this post!

BSN student

SURVEY NOW CLOSED 89 responses were received! You can click on the link to see the results, thank you to all who participated!

Hi all of r/StudentNurse! I would really appreciate if you would fill out this survey regarding hazard pay during this pandemic. I am a high school/community college pre-nursing student and will be using this information for a project in my English class. This survey doesn't collect any information and will be completely anonymous! I received approval from the moderators to post this here. I've posted this to r/nursing and r/nurses, so if you've seen it there and already filled it out please disregard. Reply with any questions you have, and thanks for taking the time to read this post! Edit: some typos

Nursing Student 🍕

SURVEY NOW CLOSED 89 responses were received! You can click on the link to see the results, thank you to all who participated!

Hi all of r/nursing! I would really appreciate if you would fill out this survey regarding hazard pay during this pandemic. I am a high school/community college pre-nursing student and will be using this information for a project in my English class. This survey doesn't collect any information and will be completely anonymous! I received approval from the moderators to post this here. I just (as of 9:15am PST) posted this to r/Studentnurse and r/Nurses so if you've seen it there and already filled it out please disregard. Reply with any questions you have, and thanks for taking the time to read this post! Edit: updated info

I just had a tournament this weekend and some praised me heavily and then gave me 6th 💀

What happens when your parents are sick and you want to move back to the US and take care of them? Or you want to raise a family here? Or your dream career opportunity shows up and it's in the US? You'll come back to insanely high debt that Can and Will be your responsibility to pay off. The debt will always be a burden on you no matter where you go. You took a non-immigrant parent(s)student's place, took out loans/took advantage of grants and perhaps scholarships, and now will be slippery to avoid paying off what your education gave you and Actively putting that debt onto others. YTA.

I’m on the Washington circuit, close to Seattle so we’d likely be at some of the same tournaments! I don’t know about pf, but Extemp is fairly competitive (lots of great competitors), and Congress is not crazy competitive... if you write speeches and clash you’re golden. I’d guess we’re quite progressive in terms o, we stick kinda close to procedures in Extemp and Congress. Finally, the Area around Seattle uses a different platform other than NSDA (actually having to use NSDA for the first time this coming weekend) called Cascade Commons (used in conjunction with tab), which was programmed by some former debaters from Interlake Highschool. It works great (in my opinion!!)

I don’t wanna share my location, but I’m in the Washington State Circuit!

It’s so weird. I did Congress with 0 prep, just gave impromptu neg speeches, and felt pretty mediocre about my performance. Somehow I placed 18th in prelims and almost broke (top 16 break)??

BSN student

Me too! It helped me realize the big importance of interpersonal relations and kindness in the job. I’m now hoping to be a L&D nurse and eventually perhaps an CNM :) I’m currently working at an Ob/Gyn’s office as a receptionist and chaperone and I love it.

BSN student

This TV show inspired me to pursue nursing actually!! I had never deeply considered the profession until then