You sure it’s not a 1916 R3?

My guy friends rip into me because it has flowers on it, but I love it. Much more interesting than their boring ass all black helmets.

There’s no such thing as a flat earth model

West End

I’ll never get back the $3000 worth of ETH I had…

Not So Fast

Better late than never

If you would have told me 20 years ago that I’d be watching videos of people mowing lawns I wouldn’t have believed you.

To make fun of birds like you. Keep staring into the sun.

When I purchased my first bike, I didn’t really want to pay for indoor parking ($200/month) so I kept it parked outside for the summer, and I had a buddy who would let me keep it in his garage over the winter. One day I found gum smeared all over my exhaust pipe and parts of my seat were melted/burned. The next day I got indoor parking. Never again.