Laws do exist but republicans only seem to follow ones that suit them.

This country was founded by illegal immigrants, never forget it.

We have asylum laws and people coming and claiming asylum have a right to be heard and investigate their claim and help them on a path to citizenship if proven.

We also destabilize the regions they live and when they come asking for help you want to turn them away.

Yes they are so open to everyone they are literally trying to take their rights away and deport them.

Ed Koch said if best

“If you agree with me on nine out of 12 issues, vote for me. If you agree with me on 12 out of 12 issues, see a psychiatrist.”

All you shitzhispatz supporters fall into the latter.

Isn’t it funny that the guy that won’t show or admit to anything is the guy they trust. Taxes? Never gonna see them, but trust him it’s all good. Accept election outcome? Sure, even when he won he claimed fraud, that’s the guy to believe.

Well the baby was dressed provocatively, so she was asking for it.


So let’s cut all federal programs today and see how fast your state is bankrupt.

Someone is praying that the time will come where he can shave and complete the look.

So the son of the president we should worry about with nation secrets, but the guy that stole them and is on record blabbing about them, is currently charged with multiple counts of retaining that info and is the parties presidential nominee.

Make it make sense.

Then they should have even more at their disposal!

Only if it’s him, any other president and it wouldn’t be an official duty. We are now in idiocracy.

Because everything nowadays is totaled. Have you seen what they charge for parts plus the 200hr labor rate? Total the car, resell at auction, rinse repeat.

And what happens when you have the current clown show in Congress that rubber stamps everything their guy does? Mitch McConnell stood on the floor, voted no to impeach and then went on to excoriate the Cheeto regarding what happened on J6, and now they are all falling back in line.

So if you have enough people to never vote for impeachment how do you hold the president accountable?

Also no one planted and destroyed evidence, we all saw it with our own eyes and if it was the other way around where it was a dem in office and j6 happened, republicans would be calling for public hangings.

Maybe stop watching Fox and OAN and actually do some reading and the tiniest bit of research.




And regarding Afghanistan, shitszhispantz invited them to camp David and turned the country over to the people who helped attack our country


You mean the billion that republicans democrats and leaders from Europe all agreed that the prosecutor needed to go? That one? Or the 3 billion kushner got right after leaving office? Maybe it was the 16 patents invanka got from China after daddy lifted sanctions.

The golden child and bowfinger are great movies, now you’re just being a troll.

Then you will love it when shitzhispantz gives them a blank check.

Interesting, is it to justify the fire and brimstone view on everything or because Jesus was a Jew and then started Christianity?

The Monsignor at my church has Shabbas dinner with his rabbi friend every Friday and is very inclusive at masses.

It’s actually the Torah, proof the Jews are trying to take over Christianity. /s

Because they don’t vote and then bitch about the outcome. All of us did it at one time or another, then we grew up and realized how we fucked ourselves and are trying to reverse course.